Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The View From Georgetown

My last post was the day before I wandered off to our nation's capital and the joys of working off a public PC. Especially one that has been loaded with emulation software that prevents basic copy/paste functions. Don't ask..I haven't a clue. Yeah, I know, Kinko's is an option, but it isn't nearby and you haven't been working my schedule so let's not go there.I have done my level best to stay

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tips For Living Room Feng Shui

By Mike

Living room feng shui is one of the best ways to start the process of fine tuning the home to reflect the ancient philosophy. No other room is the house gives an individual more feng shui potential than the dining room.

The reason for this is that more than likely the living room is central to all family life. The dining room is the one room of the entire home that can be activated according to all nine sectors that are used in the bagua square.

This makes dining room feng shui very important and one of the best rooms to begin transforming to reflect a good home using this chinese philosophy.

A dining room is there everyone congregates together no matter if it is just the family getting together or being used for a celebration. In order to promote good living room feng shui, the key to remember is arrangement.

Most living rooms are designed to form an L where either the fireplace or television is the central focus. However, people should be the focus instead.
In an L-shape, people may feel uncomfortable for no reason. However, if the dining room is arranged so the seats face each other then everyone will begin to be more at ease and harmonious.

This simple change in arrangement can promote a more positive energy flow, which is the key to good living room using this chinese philosophy.
In dealing with living room of this chinese philosophy, a person can make quick fixes that can help promote feng shui. By simply adding red and gold to a living room, a person will help promote happy feelings and keep conflict away.

Another simple thing to do is hand a family picture on the east wall. According to the bagua square, this area of the room is intended for boosting family relationships. The dining room is a perfect place to do this since so much time is spent with the family in this room.
Living room feng shui is one of the most popular feng shui searches on the internet. A person can promote this ancient philosophy by doing just a few simple moves of furniture or pictures.
By adding certain colors, design using this chinese philosophy can be promoted quickly and easily. If a person wishes, they can be more elaborate by completely rearranging their furniture to enhance feng shui.

The key to remember when searching for living room of this chinese philosophy is to promote positive chi in every touch one adds even if the touch is elaborate or simple.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Opening Up A Small Bathroom

By Stephanie Smith

Not everyone has the large and spacious bathroom of their dreams, in fact, many of us don't. But that doesn't mean that you have to settle for a cramped bathroom without any room to move around. Even tiny bathrooms can get a makeover to use limited space more effectively. Keep reading to find out how...

To commence with, try decorating your walls and floor with soft and pale colors such as whites, neutrals and pastel tones. This will help to make the room seem bigger and airier. While strong and intense colors can make the room appear smaller and more confined, they can be used for small items such as towels or countertop accessories to provide a pleasant contrast. If the flooring is currently dark, try its presence with a soft colored rug or floor covering.

Get rid of larger items. Go for streamlined light fixtures or pot lights which don't take up much space in your room. Larger fixtures help to give a more cluttered feeling to your bathroom, which is what you definitely want to steer clear of. The less clutter on the countertop or walls the better. Keep it simple.

Ample lighting also helps to make your space appear larger. In addition to pot lights, other lighting choices include skylights and sola tubes. Take advantage of any light from windows if you have them. You'll want to make sure you have window coverings to ensure your privacy, but try to get curtains or blinds that still allow some light into your bathroom.

If you don't need a lot of storage room in the bathroom, think about using a pedestal sink instead of a full vanity cabinet. This is a great possibility for powder rooms where you may not have a lot of hygiene or make-up items. The pedestal sink opens up additional floor space and has a smooth, clean look.

Hanging racks, wall shelves, and other tiny bathroom fixtures should be placed in areas where they aren't going to restrict your movement. Over the toilet is often the best area for a small cabinet, but beware of other areas where they will shrink your space and you might be bumping in to them. It's not worth having if it makes your room awkward. A cabinet over the toilet, preferably in a color close to that of the walls, will help you to get rid of some of your clutter (extra bars of soap, toothpaste, bandages, etc.), but adding more cabinets will only increase the cluttered look.
A large mirror may help to make your room look larger since it will reflect more light. Keep the mirror simple to reduce the look of clutter.

Most people want their home bathroom to be inviting and relaxing, and this can be accomplished in a tiny bathroom with some creativity and advanced planning. Have fun decorating!

For more information on home decorating and interior design, visit us at
http://www.decoratefor.com .

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Focusing on the Data

Tom Mannis and I are having a disagreement about some terminology and how it applies to the issue of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) aka North American Union, as well as the issue itself.Let me start with the terminology, specifically the word 'conspiracy.' Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, Copyright 2001 (the latest I have) defines

What Does This Really Mean?

I don't usually post about Lyndon LaRouche here, but this article regarding the Homeowner and Bank Protection Act of 2007 is a doozy. The proposal as been picked apart at FACTNet as basically destroying the banking system as we know it. If there is anyone reading who is familiar with the banking system and would care to offer an opinion, I am listening. Intuitively I don't like the way it

Wholesale Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

A living room is often the soul of a person's home. It reflects the person's taste and aesthetic sense. A lot of forethought goes into deciding on the perfect living room furniture. Many people buy living room furniture directly from a wholesaler, as it works out cheaper than to purchase from a retailer.

Usually, a furniture manufacturer transports finished products to the wholesaler 's warehouse. The wholesaler in turn distributes them to retailers and distributors. Sometimes, this supply chain is altered with the wholesaler directly distributing the goods to the customer. This happens when a customer wants to buy in large quantities and is looking for a price advantage. Most people look for wholesale furniture when they renovate their homes, as they need bulk quantities to redo the entire house. Purchasing living room furniture at wholesale prices can help customers save a lot of money.

A person who is looking to buy wholesale living room furniture can find information about it in the classified columns of local newspapers. Many dealers place advertisements in these columns, offering wholesale prices for furniture. The net is a good source of information for wholesale living room furniture.

Some dealers offer wholesale prices, as they want to dispose off their old stock and make room for new models and designs. Distributors also offer wholesale prices at trade shows if a customer places an order on the spot. This is because an order booked during the show allows them to directly send the product to the customer. This saves them the cost of stocking the merchandise and saves space.

For a person looking at renovating his home, and looking for affordable but good, long lasting living room furniture, it is necessary to contact many different sources of wholesale furniture and buy only after comparing the prices.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

911 Emergency - Wrong Burger - Book 'Em Danno!

You have to hear this to believe it. I pray that this sort of call is atypical, but I fear it might not be. Picked up from comments to this post at Chicago Dispatchers. Best part about this post is in the comments where we see a brief discussion of life on the phones. Worth reading.

AM Auto Wreck

Sheridan is blocked from about Sherwin to Touhy due to an accident, starting about 6:15 AM. It's 7:42 AM now, and I have no clue when the street will reopen. The 147 is being re-routed down Touhy for the duration.I went out at 6:22 AM for an early walk and heard sirens, lots of sirens, all south of me. In about 5 minutes I found out why. A black Cadillac (newer model) had tangled with a

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Would You Switch?

Today I came across this startling column by Robert Novak. I don't always agree with him, but this column really set me thinking. What if the Internal Revenue Code were substantially changed, resulting in your giving up the deductions and credits of today for a much flatter tax and far less intrusive IRS? Would you switch? Would you switch, knowing that if every taxpayer did so, the

Is It A Conspiracy If I Talk Openly?

Back at the end of August I commented on a post by Tom Mannis regarding the alleged effort to create a North American Union. I was skeptical then, and I remain skeptical now, albeit in a more nuanced way. My skepticism is primarily fueled by the fact that the mainstream media (MSM) is sleeping at the switch if this is such a huge deal. Wouldn't be the first time but this gorilla is awfully

Ann Coulter Strikes Again

Ann Coulter gave an interview to Danny Deutsch on The Big Idea in which she asserts that Jews need to become perfected and thus become Christians. No, I am not making this up, you can read all about it here at Media Matters for America and watch the video too.Now normally I would just blow this off as more of Ann's vile spewing, but it comes on the heels of this report from Barna Group, which

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Economic Growth - The New Opiate of the People?

George Monbiot suggests that we need a recession to introduce some sanity into our way of life. He speaks heresy of course, something he freely acknowledges, beginning here:If you are of a sensitive disposition, I advise you to turn the page now. I am about to break the last of the universal taboos. I hope that the recession now being forecast by some economists materialises. I recognise that

Atlantis - a Silver BB

It's the name of an oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service describes Atlantis in this article. It is now pumping first oil, 9 years after discovery. It will max out at 200K/bpd over a lifetime of 15 productive years. Keep in mind that it won't be producing at that level the entire time.This is a very deep oilfield. Even assuming technology

When The Voyage Began

Picked up this notice about The Menagerie. This was Star Trek's original pilot, later chopped up for a 2 parter on TOS. It's being screened around the country on November 13. AMC River East will be showing it and I bought myself a ticket. This should be great fun for those of us who were there when it all began.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Living Room Decorating! Read This Before You Start Out

By Shrinivas Vaidya

When it comes to living room decorating there are many styles one can choose from. There are hundreds, if not thousands of options in terms of carpet alone. Maybe you want to go with hardwood, or be adventurous, and try stained concrete. Whatever the case, each element of a living room goes into the overall living room decorating plan that is set in motion when one moves into a home, or renovates his, or her living room.

The best way to implement a living room decorating concept is to research the purpose of the room. The purpose of your living room is for most a place of sanctuary, where one can kick back in the recliner, with a cold beverage, and enjoy a ball game, or movie. For others the living room can be a virtual office, in the days of wireless internet, and laptop computers, living room decorating must consider these things. Whatever the use is for your living room, try locating it before you do any living room decorating, in order to fully adorn the room with functional decorations.

A function decoration is one that serves a purpose beyond accenting a rooms looks. Some living room decorating experts utilize this on a daily basis. In fact, many interior decorators make this the fundamental premise behind all their work. A living room decorating plan that implements at least some functional elements will greatly assist those enjoying the room on a regular basis.

The most common functional elements found when living room decorating is occurring are old wood tables being used as desks, a piece of a sail boat converted into a coffee table, or even a fancy piece of art, that happens to be a clock. These are your common, run of the mill functional design elements. There are plenty of others worth a try as well.

One can utilize all types of materials to make functional design elements. For my living room I wanted an industrial look, so I went with metal as my core material. I was able to have a metal breakfast bar created for less than three thousand dollars. The bar is covered with a custom piece of glass, and adds a modern pop to any living room.

Your challenge is to find what you like to do in a living room, and try to incorporate it into your design. Once you do this, your living room will not only be beautiful, but also functional.

Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya

Shrinivas Vaidya is the webmaster of http://www.livingroomdatabase.com. Visit today to get more free living room decorating tips to decorate a beautiful and charming living room of your wildest dreams.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shrinivas_Vaidya

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Your Tax Dollars on the Road

Today's newspapers featured an article about a GAO report on premium class travel by federal employees. Pretty scandalous stuff, until you wrap some context around the report, something our fearless reporter whose article was posted all over hell and back failed to do.1 - On page 10 the GAO acknowledges that premium class travel represents <1% of all government travel and 7% of the airline cost

Monday, October 1, 2007

Small Living Room Design Tips To Fool The Eye

By Albert Lee

If you have a small living room, chances are you also have small furniture and fixtures to match. But this doesn't have to be your final resort if you do have a small living room. Designing a small living room may be a challenge, but it is quite fulfilling when you see the finished product of a small living room design that fits your small space and lifestyle.
1. Use lighter shades of green, blue and yellow for your walls. These lighter colors or pastels help open up the room and give it a more airy feel. If you want a cozier feel to your living room, use darker shades of red, blue and brown.
2. To help further open up the room, use mirrors and glass table tops. Mirrors reflect light and give the illusion of a larger room. Make sure that the mirror reflects a view or an ornamental item to enhance the room. Use glass table tops to give your small living room an open feel, rather than using hard wood table that further shrinks the room.
3. Avoid using heavily printed upholstery for your seating and sofa. Use light, monochromatic colors that match. Avoid mix and match of colors as well, as it makes the room look smaller and tight.
4. Use light gauzy and filmy fabrics for your window treatments. These fabrics let natural light pass through and adds more personality to your living room. Do not overdo and avoid using heavily printed fabrics in a small living room design.
5. If you want to accessorize your small living room, choose the items that will compliment your furniture and fixture. And make sure these items are also functional to help you keep the room spacey and clutter-free.
6. Choose the right-sized fixtures and accessories. Do not over-decorate your small living room; instead, look for items that will help make the room look bigger. Choose reflective items such as a good-sized glass-top coffee table, a wall mirror and a few functional items that add style and class to your small living room design.

To learn more living room design tips and ideas, visit
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Albert_Lee