Monday, March 31, 2008

Truck Strike is ON(?)

I wrote about a potential truck strike, and 2 truckers have commented that the strike is on. Stay tuned and we'll see how it goes.

The Price of Sand

I've commented before about how costly it is to obtain oil from unconventional sources, such as oil sands (actually bitumen). The Globe and Mail, from Canada, offers this article that recounts the impact on water from the oil sands operation. This is not a pretty picture and the costs appear to be staggering. I have cut some excerpts, but the article is fairly quick reading, and jargon

Friday, March 28, 2008

Righteous Indignation?

So there I was, all ready to blog about the insanity of outsourcing passports, when lo and behold GovExec fires back with an article that takes The Washington Times to task. I confess that I have not had time to catch up on all the links, but this should be a reminder not to believe everything we read until we have checked it out ourselves.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Truck Strike?

The guys at The Oil Drum come up with interesting stories. Today, it's about possible truck strike. Mish Shedlock weighs in, and you can follow the links at his post. I can't say I disagree with everything he has to say, although I think his solution is as simplistic as the truckers.I read some of the comments at TruckertoTrucker and it was clear to me that the drivers are fed up, even if they

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fool's Gold

From CNBC, the text of Matt Simmons' response to Shell's Hofmeister. Hofmeister took Simmons to task about Peak Oil, but Matt comes back with the points as to why it's not just about the size of the tank, it's also the size of the tap.

More on Reverend Wright

It would seem the discussion about Reverend Wright is not about to abate. Especially when you listen to more than a 20 second sound bite and you learn who really said "chickens coming home to roost."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I am sooooooooooo bad

I can't help it. It was just too funny for words. Michael Ramirez puts Hillary Clinton's experience claim into perspective. I can't even say I was BUI (Blogging Under the Influence)!

View of the war

Hat tip to formerspook. Fouad Ajami comments on the state of the Iraq war. I am not a fan of this war, however I am also not a fan of politicians who espouse withdrawal no matter the facts on the ground, a position held by Ms. Clinton.Reflecting on the war, I remembered some funny dialogue from Star Wars. Luke, Han and Chewbacca are in the lockup trying to rescue Leia, and in the middle of a

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is It Peak Yet?

Maybe yes, maybe no. In the meantime, consider this:United Arab Emirates are pumping oil at full tilt. They intend to pump more over time, but right now they are at their limit.Shell is going to increase production in Alberta. Do you want your water with or without toxins?Privatizing toll roads. It's not necessarily 'pay to play', but it isn't necessarily in our best interest either. Public

Women's Movement

Is it over with in this country? Sister Joan heard that it was and offers up some insights into the perceptions and views of women in India. We may have come a long way baby, but those women have an even longer journey to get to where we are.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There's Oil In That Rock

The Bakken Shale formation is in the news. What it may, or may not, amount to is subject to much discussion, beginning with Jeffrey Brown AKA westexas.What is certain is that rising oil prices made this site economically feasible, although I wouldn't expect it to ever produce all the oil we consume in a year. A lot of work to be done, and I would suggest that 3-5 years, potentially longer, is

Who's Got the Creds?

Leonard Pitts muses on who has the creds to be Prez. His conclusion - none. I think he's right.

The Special Uncle

Have you read Obama's speech about race? I did. I thought a lot about it because it is clear that there are many who will paint Obama as somehow joined at the hip to Reverend Wright's inflammatory views because he took so long to address the issue. Obama compared his relationship to Reverend Wright as one you might have with a beloved uncle, who nonetheless makes you cringe when he makes

Monday, March 17, 2008

Social Networking

There's no end to it, and I am sucked in with the rest. Although I have to admit that each site has its own charms. I'll be looking for you wherever I go.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Of Interviews and Earmarks

I read the transcript of the Obama interview at the Sun-Times. I did the same at the Tribune. What impresses me is that Obama has basically put himself out there, totally on the record, regarding Rezko. It's a risky thing to do because it gives the reporters ample opportunity to dredge up contradictions and more questions. The ammunition available to Clinton, and McCain, is not insignificant.

Has the Fat Lady Sung Yet?

I sat in DC for 2 weeks, watching the dust rise ever higher. It's been said that "it's not over until the Fat Lady sings" and I don't hear her warbling just yet. In fact, if The Wall Street Journal is correct, she isn't even in the wings warming up.WSJ posted this article about our current financial ailments. We are living off the largess of foreign investors, and that has serious implications

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Try Western Tapestries To Enhance Chic Mountain Home Decor

By : Craig Chambers

Western tapestries are a great way to bring authentic Native style to your home. If you enjoy southwest and western decor, you will certainly love using bright colored tapestries in your rustic cabin, room or home. Truly functional and versatile, you will find that western tapestries, when used as a tapestry wall hanging or tapestry wall art, will brighten your home and give it a true western feel.

A lot of times designers will add floor rugs and runners to their homes but do not think of using wall tapestries made of the same colorful material to adorn their walls. The truth is that a wall tapestry is one of the simplest ways to enhance color and textures in your rooms and bring life to your home decor. In addition, western tapestries work well as beautiful art, worthy of display, because they are hand made.

There are so many colors and patterns available that you will easily be able to come across the best western tapestry style to go along with your interior decorating. Southwestern decor usually uses light colors with turquoise and desert colors like pink and purple. Western styles look wonderful with beautiful accent colors like red, black and grey. For a Native Indian feel, there are numerous designs available including the popular Navajo patterns. You can also find rich and vibrant colors in every style of woven rug, and tapestry designs that continue getting more intricate.

The best thing about decorating with southwest tapestries is that you can use them everywhere in your home. Use them as a hanging tapestry or as area rugs along with western furniture and southwest style accessories. Or, use them in doorways, in hallways, and in the living room to fill vacant floor space. Hang them in hallways or where you might normally put a decorative picture for a different design style. To achieve a more casual style, hang them at an angle to accentuate that it is wall hanging art. You will be surprised at how much they enhance your home design and how they impress your visitors.

When you begin your home decorating, use your color samples to decide which western tapestries and tapestry rugs to use in your rooms, and you will be excited with how they liven up your home. Always choose the best quality tapestries and do not settle for cheap imitations that will lower the value of your home. Look for wool tapestries and tapestry rugs that are well made and crafted by hand since hand made wool is more durable and is great for creating the look you want

Spruce up your favorite room with a touch of the old west, or enhance the decor in your whole home with western tapestries and tapestry rugs to get that great designer southwest style. Today you can easily find beautiful tapestries to use in your home decor. Many people buy them online or in stores that sell southwestern and Native style home decorating items. If you want to add that one of a kind rustic or western style in your home decorating, begin by using the beautiful colors and Native designs of western tapestries.

Article Source:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The New Slums

From The Atlantic Monthly, an article about today's McMansions becoming tomorrow's new slums. The message here to locals is: don't panic over the real estate downturn. It will come out to the advantage of city dwellers in the end. Take the long view.And while urban construction may slow for a time because of the present housing bust, it will surely continue. Sprawling, large-lot suburbs become