Monday, June 30, 2008

Decorating Your Living Room

By : amikshafurniture

Decorating A Living Room
Living room is the most important room in any house. The atmosphere of the living room should be calm, comfortable and pleasant living room will be a place for family or friends to sit and visit. It is the first room you see while entering your home. In most cases, living room is also accompanied with office room, dining room or playroom. Living room is a large room with great natural light, a fireplace a glorious blend of sophisticated furnishings & antique accessories. There are several ways to decorate your living room which can create an inviting place and cause a lasting impression to your guests.

1) Furniture re-arrangement:- It is always preferred to arrange furniture in off- square angles. Pull the furniture away from the walls and position it at news, more inviting angles and you will change the look & dimension of your room. Do not place sofas directly against the wall but place it a foot or so away from the wall and put a lamp or plant behind it.

2) Colors:- Paint one wall of your favorite color. You can apply bright or colors of your choice. Just see to it that surrounding room complements the color.

3) Bring nature inside:- plants always add a touch of newness to any room. Look through some magazines to get ideas on using plants to decorate.

4) Mirrors for space & depth:- Place a mirror on the wall to create space & depth for your living area. Your mirror should reflect something pleasing to the eyes. Make a framed picture collage on the wall.

5) Status:- You can enhance your living room by placing small statues in an appropriate location. Statues of marbles ones provide aesthetic quality to your living room.

6) Extra Embellishments:- J aux finishing a room is a great way to create a totally new look with little expense. Wallpapering & adding folders. Would be a great alternative or addition to painting you can decorate your room with new lamps.for latest furniture stuff do visit there you will find complete range of indian wooden furniture, gift articles, decoatives

Article Source:

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Splash of Cold Water (Or Is That Oil?)

From Rigzone a timely article that addresses the costs and challenges of drilling, even if the Outer Continental Shelf were opened up. Read carefully what the article states about the alleged millions (billions?) of barrels of oil out there:Producers will need to proceed carefully because, despite the 18-billion-barrel figure released by the government, no one knows what's really in the

Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Official

I finally put my stake in the ground. Halloween is my last day to dance with Uncle. I'll be officially pensioned off the following day.I wondered how it would feel to make it official, and I can now report it's a mixed bag. The division leadership acknowledged my upcoming departure, and it's clear there is an effort building to have a meeting in Chicago (assuming the $$ are there) that will

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Still Here and Still Smoooookin'!!

On June 9 I wrote about a close encounter of the executive kind and how I felt about it. I have since received feedback from more than one person that the post caught their attention and they were concerned about me.First of all, I do appreciate the concern and I thank you for letting me know.Secondly, when I let off steam and rant, be grateful. Because when I button up and shut down, well it's

Friday, June 13, 2008

Breaking Up Is Not So Hard To Do

For my friends who question the reality of global climate change (or warming if you prefer), consider this. Right now we are talking ice shelves that already float in the sea, and whose separation from the Antarctic will pose a hazard to shipping, but not much else. However, these ice shelves also are a fence in front of the Antarctic glaciers, which, if they break loose, will create a net

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It is time for transitions. Mike left the USA 5/22/08 for Iraq, with a stop in Kuwait first. I am not entirely certain how long he will be there. 12-15 months I should think. He's 18, old enough to vote, carry a big gun, and risk death, but not old enough to drink. The Army taught him something about the world he is entering, but I don't believe it taught him enough. He'll learn the rest over

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Living Beyond Our Means

From the The Kansas City Star, an article about oil production.

The End of Oil

A reasonably well written article about the end of the age of oil. Logic can be compelling.

Monday, June 9, 2008


In my entire life I don't believe I was ever described as being a 'failure.' Lord knows I have often felt that way given how Americans label people. I could live with not meeting expectations for beauty, social position, or relationships (being a single heterosexual female does have its drawbacks). But, I did pride myself on delivering what was expected of me.True story:When I was 6 my mother

Sunday, June 8, 2008


From The Energy Bulletin a posting of a panel discussion about energy and urban design. James Kunstler is one of the panelists, Nikos Salingaros is the other. Part 2 is here.Pay attention to what they have to say about skyscrapers (New York is their focus) and consider what it may mean for the Loop and Streeterville. Also, LEED certification is only as good as its practitioners. They also

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Fallout from the Primary

I don’t know where to start.I saw the Hillary Speech and the Barack Speech. Hillary made certain that the whole world knew where she stood and what she stood for. And she made it clear she wasn’t going gently into the night. Barack, after acknowledging his family, made certain that the whole world knew it was about “us”, as Americans and what we can be and do as Americans. Two very different

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Feeling the Love!!

Oh do I feel the love tonight!!The project I am on requires regular travel to our nation's capital. We stay in various hotels and this morning I found out I am in the wrong hotel, totally. Part of my group is out in Maryland, I am in DC. This AM at our opening meeting I was given a gift: an autographed picture of George Takei as Sulu in TOS. He is staying at their hotel, and the group ran into