Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Living Room Furniture of Your Choice

By : Thomas Adam

A living room is often the soul of a person's home. A living room is the setting in which people interact with outsiders in a home setting. It is very important to choose the living room furniture very carefully as it plays a vital role in the greeting message to your guests. So it becomes important to have it at least decently furnished. Living room furniture that is available nowadays includes accent chairs, wicker coffee tables and end tables, and the normal sofas and chairs. Accent chairs are used to fill up bare spots of the living foam. It gives the right ambience to the living room. If you need a piece to place your drinks, then the answer to this is the coffee or end tables. These also add a touch of elegance and interest to the living room. It also features the magnificent art work and pictures and some other accessories like decorative lighting, lamps and area rugs. A lot of furniture is made up in designer fabrics and leather.

Living in a small flat or a rented room can be incredibly difficult, particularly if your living space is both your living room and your bedroom. If your bedroom is still too small for this then another option is a pull down bed; a bed that is usually hidden vertically inside a cupboard but can then be pulled down into a horizontal position for sleeping. The benefit of this obviously being that when the bed is hidden away, duvet and all, the bedroom can transform into a living area giving you the best of both worlds. If you can fit a bed into your room, and a sofa, but not really your clothes then you can purchase a divan bed with drawers which you can use for storage.

Coffee Tables

Coffee tables are usually originated in the living room or sitting room. Helping to anchor a room in classic style, coffee tables offer function and form. Give your living room the ultimate makeover with our beautiful and stylish coffee tables. Choose from a range of designs that incorporate glass tops and unique skirting, along with an array of enticing patterns. They will complement your space in an extraordinary way with a genuine flair. They are available in many different variations and prices vary from style to style. Coffee tables may also incorporate cabinets for storage.

Console Tables

Charming yet functional, fashionable console tables are a must-have for any living room. Console tables add elegance to any space from traditional to ultra-contemporary. They also are versatile in their uses. Console tables are platform for displaying photos, books and collectibles. Place them with sofas for display and entertaining access. Console tables give you an amazing look that will match with a wide variety of sofas and chairs. Console tables are also available in different patterns and colors.


Book cases are a great place for books, pictures or accessories. Few bookcases combine style and function and sheer capacity. Bookcases can store anything from your sewing supplies to your child's favorite books and toys. Bookcases help organize your home or office. Bookcases are available in a variety of styles. Keep yourself organized in style with the bookcase. Bookcases can make any room color-coordinated for a bright and lively look.

Accent Chairs

One very easy thing to do to turn a whole room around into a more desirable place to be is to just add an accent chair. While a simple idea, it still can add just the right touch of flare to bring out everything else in the room. Accent chairs can transform entire room. Arm and side chairs will dress up any room and are versatile enough to be used with dining room or kitchen tables as well as in the living room or bedroom. Accent chairs are perfect for that place in your home that needs a smaller scaled piece of furniture.

Now, these beautiful items of living room furniture are available online and that too at most reliable and famous online furniture store www.furniturenet.co.uk . This furniture is sure to suit your choices in terms of comfort, elegant styling and contemporary flair. It has the perfect charm to add to your home.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/furniture-articles/living-room-furniture-of-your-choice-483385.html

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Update on Gale Park

Late to update since I went to the fireworks at Venetian Night. Girls just want to have fun!!!Craig has a post with pictures from the rally, and includes another about SEIU with film.Something to keep in mind regarding the rally and what has occurred so far.The Alderman's letter stated:the Park District and the labor union are discussing a possible joint use of the Park District facility, with

Friday, July 25, 2008

More On Gale Park

I came home to a neighborhood peppered in orange flyers purporting to give the facts about the Gale Community Center. I read it closely along with the Alderman's email, which arrived today in my Inbox. My take on both is that we are facing a marketing blitz, intended to focus attention on the BGC rather than on the process being used to bring the BGC into the center.The key point in the

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Drilling Our Future

Robert Rapier posted an essay about drilling in ANWR and the OCS. He notes that it is inevitable and offers some ideas on leveraging this to our advantage, rather than just trying to make political hay. He reinforces what I have been saying, and he is ably supported by Khebab in the Comments, that we really don't know for sure what is in the ground and recoverable. Regardless of where you

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Community Meeting

I got word of a community meeting that was held tonight at the Loyola Park Fieldhouse concerning the Parks budget. Thanks Don.I attended and heard an earful of wish lists (lots of stuff needing doing and never enough $$ to go around), along with statements regarding the current Gale Park Community Center controversy. (Go here for the RPVoter viewpoint.)This was not a huge group, but it was

Monday, July 21, 2008

Unringing the bell -- It's No Longer Official

Gracious. I never cease to marvel at how the universe turns and beckons us on our journeys. In the beginning of June I grumbled about being labeled a failure. A couple weeks after that I said It's Official, I'm Outta Here! Yeah, little did I know.Last week while in Portland I was cornered in the hallway by a very abashed Team Lead who asked if I'd consider taking on the leadership of the team I

More Cold Water -- Make that Cold Oil

Yesterday I was catching up on my blog reading when I encountered Tom Mannis' piece Drill Now! I emailed him about it, because I am concerned that the folks who are advocating drilling are doing so without clearly understanding what we are up against in time and money. I referenced this post, and in particular this article. My point to Tom is that our "leaders" of all political persuasions are

What a Difference Location Makes!

I have been following the Gale Park controversy, including the latest on why the center is not open and the question as to just how the BGC will provide programming. I am left scratching my head as to why the controversy exists at all, other than due to the Alderman's lack of vision and poor political savvy. Surely he saw the issue coming at him like a ton of bricks. Why invite controversy?So

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Decorating a Small Living Room

By : Tameka Norris

A living room is the most essential part of a household. It depicts the personalities of the people staying in the house as well as their tastes for life. From colors, textures and accessories that one adds up in their living room can either make a small living room look stunning or damp like the monsoons.

Do you ever remember stepping into a room with grey cushions, larger couch, dusky table and the ever dimming lamp? Well this living room seems to have space for all the furniture, but not more than ten people can stand and breathe in this mounted area. Let me help you out with some pocket saver tips.

Soft and Light Hues
Walls are the key feature for making a room look smooth and happening. A small living room can look larger, if you try painting the walls or even ceilings with "cool" colors like green or blue. Make sure the shades are darker as they appeal to wholeness of the entire room. These colors have the ability to make your ceilings look larger in height.

Working with Window Treatments
For instance, if you have window treatments, you can give them an impression of extra height to the room. To give this effect, let your window treatments move up towards the ceiling. Looks great! Trust Me.

Use Of Over Scaled Objects
Over scaled objects could be categorized into screens, large paintings, picture frames and patterns. These objects definitely behold the charm of making a room look larger and appeal a larger space to your living room.

Keep What You Need
Make sure you do not stack up your living room with souvenirs. The more you leave space, the more your living room will show freedom and clarity. Leaving space does not mean you empty the whole living room keeping nothing at all. Large leather couches are out of fashion and slender yet portable furniture will not only give you space to move about in your living room, but also add a crisp feeling of comfort and modern outlook.

Flowing Curtains
Curtains need to be long and light in colors. White curtains sound like a little hard to maintain, but they add a charismatic effect on your living room. The basic benefit of white curtains is that they permit the natural light to enter your room and add a smooth and cooling effect to your living room. The more your living room has natural light and air flowing in, the less your room will smell of sweat. Heavy drapes are a big NO NO!

Color Coordination
The most important tip one must keep in mind while decorating their living room is to coordinate the color of your furniture with the hues on your walls. You need to add a little creative effort decide what will look good with which color. For example, the lighter hues of green go very well with white. This turns out to be a bright and soothing combination.

Magical Reflective Surfaces
Reflective surfaces work miracles in making a small living room grow into a larger space. If in case you have a large plain wall, you can very well add up a large mirror with some artificial light effects. This will give the most rich and spacious layout for your living room.

Lighter the Fabrics, Larger the Room
Since ages, lighter fabrics are labeled for the rich and the famous. But with a little effort, one can afford them too. Lighter fabrics have the power to make your room look larger in size but at the same time, a lot more clean and crisp. Who doesn't want a clean room anyways?

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/interior-design-articles/decorating-a-small-living-room-477500.html

Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to our future?

Star Trek, whether it intended to or not, often anticipated our future. The timing may have been off, but technological progress suggests that Roddenberry and the writers may have had a touch of prophecy in them. However it wasn't always about technology.Space Seed, starring Ricardo Montalban as Khan, suggested that Earth went through an Eugenics War in the 1990s. No such war has occurred, but

Electrification of Rail

Alan Drake has an article at The Oil Drum discussing electrification of the railroad. It's pretty extensive, and if you know anyone in the rail business, please point them to the article. Alan is looking for reaction and comments as this is the draft of a proposal for an elected official (don't know from where) who asked him questions.The Europeans do it, why can't we?

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Unique and Awe some Mailboxes

By : D. Harris

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

About that mud......

Found on The Washington Post, an article by Danielle Allen that defines the difference between honest political mudslinging and pure calumny. Worth reading and considering before you punch that "post" button.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ruminations on Oil Megaprojects and More

If you have not visited the Oil Megaprojects wiki page, then at least bookmark it. It is an ongoing work in progress to identify and categorize upcoming oil projects. The Oil Drum has posted an update from the project itself and it isn't too grim to say that we are in deep s---. And I mean up to your eyeballs dear reader. Kashagan in the Caspian Sea, the biggest find under development,

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Falling out of the sky

I come from an airline family, UAL to be specific. This goes back to my maternal grandfather who worked for UAL in the early days of its life. I have a sister who works for them now. It's scary to think I may be about to witness the end of an industry. However, as noted in this article the impact of fuel prices spiraling ever higher will make that a real probability. The fallout will be felt