Monday, September 29, 2008

Banking Across the Sea

Jerome a Paris provides insight into the banking situation in Europe. This is truly a global problem. Interesting comments follow, especially what to do about vacant single family homes.

Election Junkies

Are you an election junkie? Curious about what the view is from offshore? LiveJournal can help you with that, with their new community US Election 2008.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

First off, Americans apparently really do care about the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and have overrun Thomas. The Washington Post provides a helpful breakdown on what it all means. What started out as an amendment to the Internal Revenue Code became the vehicle for the $700B bailout that failed to pass. Jan Schakowsy voted in favor.McCain, almost predictably, puts the onus on

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Casual Living Room Design Tips

By : Lee Dobbins

When creating a design for your living room, keep in mind how the living room will be used. A living room with surround sound, for example, will require a particular design in order to get the full effect of that sound. Whether there is surround sound or no sound, a living room should be a room that creates a relaxing atmosphere in which one can read quietly, visit with friends, or any number of things in a comfortable manner.

Consideration of furniture is important. A casual living room will not have stiff furniture that provides no comfort when sitting. That type of furniture should be reserved for waiting rooms at a doctor's office or school rooms. A comfortable living room's couches and chairs will be made out of soft, perhaps plush fabrics that invite a person to relax on them. Their comfort will be further enhanced by soft, plush pillows of the same fabric. Some will even add pillows that contrast with the colors of the couches or chairs. This furniture is something that can be relaxed and socialized on in complete comfort.

Flooring is another important consideration for this room. Hardwood floors are very popular right now, yet they do not have to be the only choice. Hardwood is pretty and easy to clean, yet it's cold. If your home is often cold and you're looking for economical ways to keep it warmer, carpeting is one way to do that. Carpeting will hold the heat in the room better than hardwood flooring which will make the room warmer longer. This will in turn use your furnace less and your money will be saved. However, if you have allergies to dust or other airborne particles, carpeting may not be a good choice. No matter how often you vacuum, it can be very difficult to get those allergens out of the air. For this type of person, a hardwood floor would probably be the better choice because there will be less fibers in the room to hold in those allergens.

Television and sound system would also be a consideration into your design. If your television is large, it will take a large portion of area in the living room. Alternately, if it is small it won't take up as much room. Either way, the seating and sound should be surrounding the viewing area at a reasonable distance for both sight and sound. If you have surround sound, you have the advantage of bringing the sound to the seating area. Otherwise, the seating should surround the television at a distance that makes listening happen easily.

Living rooms should be places of comfort. They should be conducive to visiting and mingling with guests as well as watching television. With the listed tips above, your living room will bring comfort and joy to all of its inhabitants.

Article Source:

The First Debate

I'd call it a tie. I agree with other pundits who wonder if Obama was too deferential and McCain too condescending. Debate 2 should be interesting. From The Washington Post, feedback from some heavy hitters.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More News From The Hill

First off 14 Questions for Bernanke and Paulson, not that they will answer them.Paulson got grilled by the GOP. I wonder if McCain knew that his peers had his back before he decided to suspend campaigning. And it's not clear to me who reached out to whom on this issue. But not to worry, a broad agreement has been reached but you know the devil is in the details.For an outsider's view see

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Arctic Discovery

As you may have heard, the Arctic ice cap is of great concern to climate scientists. Increasing losses in the overall ice pack, while good news for ships looking to shave travel time, may trigger a feedback loop that results in greater losses more quickly until the North Pole is mostly, if not all, open ocean. The warming trend has also raised worries about methane in the permafrost. Until now

George Will and Obama

Much is being made of today's article by George Will. It is being trumpeted in some circles as a low-key endorsement of Obama. It is nothing of the sort. At best, I believe Will is attempting to warn the folks at campaign HQ that their candidate is going to sink his own ship.On September 18 he offered some suggestions for McCain to consider, opining that selecting Palin was not going to be

Message to Congress

The following has been submitted to Senators Durbin and Obama, and Representative Schakowsky:GreetingsI am writing in regards to the proposed bailout of the financial market. After studying the information provided by a variety of pundits and experts I have concluded that the initial proposal provided by Mr. Paulson and Mr. Bernanke does nothing to alleviate the underlying reasons for this mess.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Bailout Hits a Wall?

The Hill has several articles about the bailout. In this one Sen. DeMint (R-S.C.) opposes the bailout, saying;“This plan does nothing to address the misguided government policies that created this mess and it could make matters much worse by socializing an entire sector of the U.S. economy.”“This plan fails to oversee or regulate the government failures that led to this crisis,”He has company

What Would Sarah Do?

Until today I didn't know about, much less read anything by, Sam Harris. Here is his take on Palin's candidacy and I must say that I agree with much that he says about her lack of insight and knowledge regarding the issues of the day.

Who's In Charge of Alaska?

Not Governor Palin acording to The Nation. The magazine quotes this editorial from the Anchorage Daily News. It's most telling statement:The governor who said, "Hold me accountable," is hiding behind the hired guns of the McCain campaign to avoid accountability.andInstead, Alaskans have to sit back and listen to John McCain's campaign operatives handling inquiries about what Alaska's governor

Another introduction for your business loan

By : D. Harris

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

From The Oil Drum

Gail gives an update on gasoline supplies since Ike hit. Read it and weep folks, it isn't over yet.Kurt Cobb speaks up about the bailout and ponders if this is the last one. Ever.The Saudi break-even price for a barrel of oil. Do you think it will drop that far?The Drummers are really scouring the web about the bailout. Here's what the Telegraph has to say.

A Faustian Choice

Which would you prefer? Clean water or a supply of natural gas? What if you really can't have both much as you try?

The Fallout from the Bailout

The Center for Responsive Politics gives up the skinny on AIG contributions. Covering all the bases it would seem although they must be sensing a change in the wind, given their current attention to the Dems. Both Presidential contenders received money.Over at The Hill, we learn what the budget writers really think.Back to the Future and we are in the days of the Chrysler bailout. More deja vu

Another Fine Mess

Thank you Congress, thank you Senate. If only they had left well enough alone. The Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999 in the name of competition and an outstanding display of bipartisanship. You'll note that candidate McCain stated he wasn't voting, and Fitzgerald of Illinois voted present. Seven of the eight "Nays" were Democrats, including that reliable Maryland liberal Mikulski, but

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Right Lenders for you Small Business Loan

By : D. Harris

Most small business owner often confuse and don’t know how to get small business loan. They always got trouble with the payee and lenders.

But now don’t be afraid, with the new Small Business Loans you could get something different.
Easy process, fast funding and excellent service is their ability. This Small Business Loans is specializing in Unsecured Loans and Lines of Credit for Small Business Owners.

Going at it alone and applying with Lenders myself yourself? I’m not suggesting you for that. With this Small Business Financing they make you save your time and being more convenient. They will help to find the right lenders To know which Lenders to apply with and how to prepare the Application correctly is not easy, and takes a lot of times and work to build and maintain an accurate and up to date database of Lenders and their Loan Programs

They have done all that work for you, so that your Applications get approved the first time, and you get the most money you can qualify for your small business.

Don’t take any risk with your business. Let Them help you do things the right way.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Busy Day at The Oil Drum

Gail has a post on offshore drilling. Take a good look at the map. Of all the potential offshore oil, ~17% is in banned areas. The rest is up for grabs in currently available leases. Makes ya wonder don't it?A post on the upcoming weekly inventory report, with a very long thread discussing the latest financial upheaval.And from our friends Down Under, an absolute MUST WATCH video! The front

Email and Accountability

I read today that Sarah Palin's Yahoo email was hacked, and it is apparently an account that she used for conducting government business, presumably to avoid the accountability that attaches to government documents, including email. There are at least two things wrong here:1 - Hacking is wrong and if the perps are breaking the law, then they need to be caught and held accountable.2 - If Governor

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Feel the playing atmosphere

For some people, the casino games are something usual like making a party, go on picnic, etc. If you are looking for the best atmosphere on playing games, find the real place.

There is much choice on here at the most reputable online casinos. And get the latest games software technology. Off course with a friendly and fast support customer service only for a real gamer.

Get the atmosphere with an online gambling, fell the play and make your day.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Say WHAT?!

In the previous post I mentioned the anti-Palin rally. The writer includes a comment about Eddie Burke a conservative podcaster. Acording to the writer:Turns out that Eddie Burke not only announced the rally, but called the people who planned to attend the rally “a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots”, and read the home phone numbers of the organizers aloud over the air, urging listeners to

My Dos Centavos

I was on the road for quite a while, and on vacation, and thus stayed off the computer so I could reboot my brain. However I did watch some of the conventions and the speeches, though not all. Missed Hillary, loved Bill, found Obama inspirational in a Kennedy-esque way. Found in Sarah Palin an emphasis on being just one of us as opposed to being one of them.Whoa! Stop the VCR. One of us?

Ike's Impact on Gas

Gail Tverberg posts an assessment of Ike's impact on gasoline and natural gas. Price run-ups occurred prior to Ike, but apparently in response to Gustav's landfall. Gail is looking to early/mid October for supplies to approach normal. Read the post for the details, and don't assume that TEH EVAHL Oil Companies are just taking us for a ride. Got to have product to pump and the refineries are

Project Follies

I said I'd stay with Uncle for another year. I am revisiting that commitment. Our Fearless Leader pulled the req on our key technology tool, for what is a valid reason but very late in the game. So now we watch the other team redo the req and hopefully we get a decision by mid to late October and can move on. On top of that, our FY09 funding is still pending a decision by the High

Rain Rain Go Away!!

And it has for now.I came home Saturday to a flooded O'Hare airport,if you can imagine that. Taxiways blocked, access roads under runways flooded, the ingress to the Arrivals area blocked by water, 190 blocked, CTA not running, and the basement level tunnel connecting the terminals featured standing pools of water with water dripping at varying rates out of the ceiling. I wound up going to the

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Inspect Our Home

By : D. Harris

Our home property is a long term investment for us. For some people, gold, deposits, stock exchange and others, is a good investment. But they forgot, land, and property is a real investment and a long term investment.

To make sure our property is useful it must need some property inspections. Give it to the expert with Property Inspections. They had been providing building, pest and strata inspection report since 1996. Looking for pest inspection, here is the place for real.

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We know together that termite, caterpillar, bugs and other small animal can damage our property. And they had property reports too.

Find some sample inspection reports, and get a real idea on how to inspect our home.