Sunday, January 25, 2009

Downturn in US Oil Rigs

From the Oil and Gas Journal comes this report on the status of US drilling activities. US drilling activity is falling. An industry analyst quoted in the article:On Jan. 22, the day before the Baker Hughes report, Paul Horsnell at Barclays Capital Inc. in London said, "The latest US rig counts seem to imply a sharp downturn in industry confidence and in the willingness to invest. US drilling

What Are the Possibilities....

From The Oil Drum comes an essay regarding the potential of social breakdown in the future due to "peak everything." The short answer is - low potential, for a variety of reasons. Those reasons make interesting reading, and confirm (for me) that political leadership and community cohesion will be the key to survival.In the comments there is an interesting exchange regarding liquid fuels and

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Geithner Affair

Obama's pick for Treasury secretary had a tax problem. A $48,000 tax problem to be exact. According to this article in The New York Times:But Mr. Obama said Mr. Geithner had made a common mistake and corrected it.andThe controversy over his taxes, as it happens, goes to the one area where Mr. Geithner has the least experience, despite serving 13 years at the Treasury Department: domestic tax


I saw a preview of the movie Defiance on Friday. This movie opens tomorrow. It is based on real events, although the movie itself has been criticized for not being historically accurate. That problem aside, and frankly most "true" stories feature some level of artistic license in the telling, it was a compelling movie and I would recommend it.Danial Craig, the current James Bond is the lead,

Friday, January 2, 2009


The day has finally arrived. This was my last day as a regular working stiff for the Federal Government. When I left the Kluczynski building at 3:30 PM I was officially retired from government service.It feels weird.Elizabeth Kubler-Ross wrote of the 5 stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. They apply to nearly any loss, not just those arising from your impending

Cleaning Tips For Your Living Room Furniture

Buying living room furniture is a big investment that requires a lot of search time and preparation. Daily use can have a great impact on the longevity and look of your furniture, and you want to make sure you properly care for it in order to extend its use for as long as possible. Here are some great cleaning tips to keep your furniture looking as fresh and beautiful as the day you bought it.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Stay clear of upholstery cleaners that use harsh chemicals or toxins to clean your furniture. These furniture cleaners may leave your furniture smelling and looking clean for some time, but there are risks associated with cleaning your furniture with them. For starters, these cleansers are typically full of harsh chemicals and toxins that can actually cause more harm than good to your furniture. Additionally, they are known to actually foster resoiling, resulting in more cleaning. These cleaners may also remove the protective layers of your furniture fabric, resulting in furniture that looks more worn, as well as causing harm to your upholstery.
Stay Clear of Steam

Steam cleaning initially sounds like a great idea when it comes to cleaning your furniture. However, it is important to consider what moisture can do to your furniture. Excessive moisture can cause odors, mold, and soil build-up. When steam cleaning is done the excess water must be sucked up, which can take days to fully dry. Even when the fabric appears dry on the surface, the moisture can still be present deep down. Steam cleaning may also strip your furniture's upholstery, leaving it more prone than before to stains and soil.
Bring Out the Vacuum

Vacuuming your furniture regularly is a great way to clean debris and dirt off of your furniture before it has a chance to seep down and cause problems. Vacuuming will also allow you to prolong the need of more extensive and deep cleaning. Vacuuming should be done at least once a week. Make sure you not only do the visible parts of your furniture; you will also want to make sure you vacuum under the cushions and in the crevices of your furniture.
Spot Clean as Soon as Possible

Accidents happen frequently, and most likely your furniture will not be able to avoid them. Spills are likely to occur, and can lead to permanent stains if not taken care of quickly. Here are some ways to take care of these spills quickly and properly:

* Always blot from the outside to the center of a spot. Doing so will control the spread of a spill
* Test your fabric in a hidden area to make sure the color doesn not come off with the stain, or that a ring is not caused by the cleaning agent.
* If the spot is liquid, use an absorbent white cloth or white paper towel to gently blot up the excess.
* If the spot is solid material, remove the excess by lifting it off with a dull table knife or spoon.
* Never rub, scrub, or brush a spill.
* Never use strong chemicals such as bleach, solvents, or acids unless they are recommended by a specialist.
* Never use sudsy detergents, as they leave a soapy residue that attracts dirt.
* Avoid using tap water. Use distilled water or plain seltzer water. Minerals in common tap water can cause rings, even on treated fabrics.

Know Your Furniture Needs

There are a wide range of furniture fabrics and styles available. It is important to know which ones may or may not be best for your particular lifestyle. A leather sofa may not fair well with a home full of cats, but can work great with children because it is simple to clean and wipe spills. If you are decorating a room that will be low traffic and more for entertaining you can choose virtually any furniture fabric. You should also be aware that certain fabrics are more resistant to sunlight damage than others. If you need help finding out what fabrics fit your lifestyle, our trained associates will be happy to assist you at any store location.

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