Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is This Our Future?

From the Global Economic Analysis blog comes this commentary about abandoned homes in Flint Michigan and a possible solution.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Furnishing A Dark Living Room

Author: jamiehanson

Furnishing a living room is tricky by itself, furnishing a dark living room gets even trickier. A dark living room requires more attention because it all depends with how you use your living room furniture to ensure the place is looks warm and inviting. Normally, the living room is where you entertain the visitors hence you should not only make it appear bright and comfortable but also elegant. Your living room furniture should therefore match every detailed aspect of the entire living space. Identifying the space you are working with in the living room will make all the difference. For instance, if you have a large dark living room, you can decide to paint all the walls a different color from what is featured in your living room furniture styles.

For example, if oak furniture is more outstanding in your living room furniture style, paint the walls a bright color such as a white motif. This is because oak furniture appear dark hence a bright colored wall will compliment the living room furniture. Similarly, you may be working with a small living room and your living room furniture features pine furniture. Choose a particular wall to paint a darker color, because pine furniture appears bright in nature and leave the other walls bright, this will not only brighten the house, but the dark color will help kill too much brightness. Bear in mind that space is what will determine how you furnish your dark living room. When the space is limited, resort to light furniture like pine furniture to visually provide a lot more room whereas dark furniture such as oak furniture visually shrinks the place.

Another thing that will help you furnish a dark living room is including wall mirrors in your living room furniture selection. This equally will depend on the living room furniture styles that you have selected. The aim is to make your dark living room appear as warm and welcoming as possible. Strategically placing the mirrors in well lit areas which will help reflect some light in your living room. This works especially well when you are using oak furniture, where you can place the mirror across a bright colored wall to reflect light to other areas of the living room. Today, some living room furniture styles come with spaces to fit modern lamps whereby a cabinet can have compartments where you can put your lamp, or better still spread lamps across the living room by placing them on side tables.

The effect of the light should create some elegance in your dark living room. The colors of the living room furniture and the light effects will create some variations and the results will be an amazing welcoming living room. Basically, furnishing a dark living room is not limited to specific living room furniture styles; the secret is matching and complimenting your choice of living room furniture with the walls and accessories that you use to come up with an elegant, lively, warm living room.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thinking Every Minute

Senator Grassley has never been a favorite of mine, and his latest tirade against AIG executives helps to illustrate why. First of all, when the Japanese apologize they usually mean it. They take that stuff pretty seriously. But, and more important, Grassley et al practically gave away the store when the subject of bailouts first surfaced.AIG clearly has not mastered the fine art of reading

Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Play Time!!

Spring has sprung, and with it the annual spring plays. This one is from Sullivan High School, and will cost you all of $1.00 to see it. Cheaper than a latte at the coffee shop. Roger C. Sullivan High School Drama proudly presents VANITIESA Comedy by Jack HeifnerThursday and FridayMarch 19th and 20th, 20097 pmSullivan High School AuditoriumCorner of Bosworth and North ShoreCome support your

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tolerating Intolerance

Fred Phelps is one of the poster boys for intolerance, especially where gays are concerned. He has harassed the families of dead soldiers at the funerals, asserting that God is punishing America for tolerating gays. Not satisfied with that, he went international, asserting that Australia's horrific fires were God's punishment for similar transgressions, which shocked an evangelical friend of

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How Much/Mile?

I heard about the mileage tax, and assumed it was a non-starter. However, that may not be the case. I don't know how I feel about this one. It might be useful if it spurs development of public transportation alternatives in places like Florida, Texas, and California, where the car is still King. On the other hand, it does have definite Big Brother implications, although given that most cell

Chevron's Latest

From The Financial Times, comes this article on a test of new technology that may unlock the production of additional heavy oil in Saudi fields. Read the article carefully. This is no panacea and note that Chevron's share of the field amounts to 4%+ of its global production. The technology works, but the geology of the fields where it is successful is different than the one Chevron will be

Matt Simmons' Oil Analysis

It's been quite a while since I posted last. A blog is not a high priority when you are on a jet, or laid up in bed. However, I am back again and, of course, with an oil update.Matt Simmons gave a presentation to the Australian American Chamber of Commerce on January 29. He describes the basis for the dramatic rise and fall in oil prices in 2008, followed by some crystal gazing into the future

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gate Operator for Safety

By D. Harris

Maybe your house is your long way investment. It was expensive assets and useful for your future living. Protect them from any trouble, and make up them for environment. You never know when some one has a bad idea when your gate is unlocked; don’t invite a burglar to explore your house. It was danger.

I never compromise with a burglar. To spend some money to buy an auto gate opener is something we must do. Keep your environment safety, for your child and your wife.
For choosing the best auto gate openers I suggest, a contractor with many brand products that was ready to choose. Get the functionality, quality, affordability and customer service provided on this site.

Many brand like Lift Master, Linear, Secure Guard, SOS, Ellite SL3000, Viking L3 and Apollo 1500 and much more. They are valuable investment for your safety. For example, Apollo 1500, since 1984, Apollo gate operators have earned a reputation for security and reliability, Technicians at Apollo continue to innovate, developing new advanced product lines and improving on established products.

Right now, they are offering FREE RADIO RECEIVER and TWO 1 Button Visor Sized REMOTE CONTROLS with any gate opener purchase over $895 (That is a $125 value!) with any gate opener purchase over $895.

If you are interested on security for your house, visit the site to find out more.