Friday, May 22, 2009

The Saga of a Con Artist

I never cease to be amazed at the chutzpah of people looking to prey on the rest of us. They really do take it for granted that they will win and we will lose. I suppose the odds are in their favor since most of us don't go around with a permanently suspicious attitude about strangers. In mid-May I came across such a person, who uses the email address and can be found

Will The US Go Bust?

In case you hadn't heard, Great Britain's credit rating may drop. The US might join them in the tank:S&P cut its U.K. outlook to negative. It said huge bailouts, soaring social costs and plunging tax revenues could push Britain's sovereign debt to nearly 100% of GDP.Many investors quickly noted that the U.S. is on a similar path.I don't think Treasury's behavior in the Chrysler bankruptcy helps

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watch Those Comments

According to an Illinois judge, you are not automatically shielded from having your identity disclosed when you comment online at a newspaper. The comments in question specifically dealt with an ongoing investigation and the judge ruled those folks needed to be identified.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Russia's National Security Strategy

Yesterday I attended a showing of The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. In the following conversation the question was raised as to whether Americans are able and willing to make the changes needed to survive as the Cubans did. Concerns were then raised regarding violence at all levels as resources become more constrained and competition.Russia was once our biggest competitor in

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More On The Toddler's Taxes

Toddy is just too much. He may have wound up with a bill too big to pay, but I can assure you he knew about that bill back when he filed his taxes. He didn't start paying in installments until much later based on this statement in today's Tribune article:He said that while he was working on proposing a payment plan, the Internal Revenue Service placed a lien on his home. That lien, filed in

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stroger's Lien

The Chicago Tribune popped this story about the Toddler's IRS lien today. For those of you unfamiliar with the process, that lien most likely got filed after more than one attempt to get the Toddler's attention via phone or snail mail. It's possible he even got a personal visit from a Revenue Officer. Regardless, he either ignored the IRS or his responses didn't indicate a suitable sense of

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's All About the Canadians

An article at Rigzone about the impact of Canadian oil in the pipelines of America. Take note, a new pipeline is going to go through Chicago (underground I am sure) from Canada to Oklahoma.Read this article carefully and consider its implications; local small oil producers get crushed and America retains its dependence on foreign oil, albeit Canadian. I suppose because it's Canadian oil that's

Friday, May 1, 2009

We May Be Past Peak -- And?

Gail Tverberg posted this article at The Oil Drum in which she argues we may have passed peak, and the interconnectedness of energy and finance may well conspire to keep us from rebounding the way we might like, i.e. a resumption of BAU. There are numerous comments of course discussing whether she has right, wrong or somewhere in the middle. My view - Gail scares me. She is more of a doomer

Elegant Living Room Furniture Options

Author: Sam Loyal

Most often homeowners want to fill up the spaces in a unique way in their houses. With endless options, you can easily find perfect living room furniture choices as per your personal tastes and preferences. Lending a style to your living room is a bit tricky, but you can do it effortlessly.

Wooden Cabinetry

Like, cabinets make a good idea for many homeowners. This furniture style allows them to display quality cases that are durable and stable. Purchasing the right one will help you avoid hard time dusting off your daily possessions.

Classic Style Modern Furniture

You may lend a classy touch to your living area with living room furniture pieces because they are extremely functional. You can use them as seating and as a footrest too. Further, it can be placed in discreet home areas inside your living room where it can be easily visible whenever you need it.

Generally people look for the furniture options that would be a great idea to buy and can last long. Modern furniture products like classic sofa beds, nests of tables, tub chairs, and others are overlooked by many homeowners. Bringing stunning designs and neutral shades, they are created especially to lend a unique touch to your living area. Perfect for spaces in your living room, these modern furniture designs are functional as well as attractive. You may even combine these different types of furniture products to create an entire new look for your living room.

Add an Element of Style to Your Living Room

As your living room is the most used space in your house, so it becomes necessary to create a place where you can entertain your guests in a right way. You may even add extra elements of style to your living room by placing right furniture in your home area. Hopefully, this will make significant improvements and will earn loads of appreciation from your family members and guests. In this ideal world of beauty, you may have limitless options to decorate your living room. What you need is to concentrate on the particular styles that you want for your living room. With this you can easily decide on your living room decoration. Even, if you are not having massive budget, you can make desirable changes to your living room.

Many people these days are concerned about purchasing furniture to introduce desired changes and to lend dramatic touch to their living room area. For instance, they make use of inexpensive furniture products to add more life either to their sofa or any other piece of furniture there. The additional items that can be used to create anew focal points for your room are occasional tables, coffee tables, and so on.

In fact, by using your imagination, you can completely transform the look of your living room without actually spending too much money on it. Even a simplest form of furniture can act as a great source of inspiration which can easily attract the attention of your guests. Remember your living room is your prized possession; hence it must personalize your home in a special way.

Article Source: - Elegant Living Room Furniture Options