Sunday, July 26, 2009

PSA Update - The Saga of a Con Artist

Back in May I posted this entry about a con artist I came across. He is nothing if not persistent, and he hasn't changed his M.O. For the latest update, along with the picture this clown is using, see my LiveJournal entry.I don't know if it is possible to shut this guy down. If he has run off to Africa, regardless of the reason, he's probably unreachable. However, if he's still in America he

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Looks Like I've Got Some 'Splainin To Do

Craig's shadow is posting here with the following comment to the previous post:What's this got to do with Rogers PArk - the risk of sounding snarky I have to say it's that sort of comment that causes me to fear for Rogers Park's future. Some people simply cannot connect the dots on their own I guess. I can help you with that.Peak Oil = oil production in

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Peak Oil -- Called Again

Once more from The Oil Drum, Peak Oil called for 60% of the world's producers. At this point I fail to see how we can expect any fossil fuels we dredge up out of the Arctic, Canada, or elsewhere to compensate for the ongoing decline in the clear majority of producing countries.Gail the Actuary makes a pertinent point here. The Reader's Digest condensed version:But credit can only keep expanding

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We Are All Post Toasties

Oh yeah. We are. We may not have realized it at the time, but we managed to miss the memo telling us. Read this article by Bill McKibben, and if you don't have time for that let me help focus your mind for you (he's reacting to the G8 summit lack of action on climate change):But two years ago, almost to the week, scientists noticed that the Arctic was losing ice at an almost unbelievable pace,

Friday, July 10, 2009

What's Up With This?

I was over at Transition Rogers Park when I read post about this. I read through all the comments too. I also found the brochure over at FOTP. This is the caption for the Pratt Beach location:Submerged breakwaters or reefs create new aquatic habitat while protecting the beach sand from being carried away by winter storms.This doesn't read like a plan for a marina to me. I am not sure the

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Turning Life Upside Down

Sr. Joan Chittister is a prolific writer. This entry from the National Catholic Reporter concerns the Rule of Benedict, specifically the virtue of humility. It is applicable even today.

Peak Oil Debate - The Fed Weighs In

From the Federal Reserve comes this article: Peak Oil Debate (PDF). It is 16 pages in easy to understand English that addresses the terms used and the variables surrounding the peak oil issue. Well worth your time reading if you need information on basic terms and scenarios. Really well done. The author does not propose solutions, but does make it clear why the same arguments can be used by

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

United Breaks Guitar

The Trib had an articleabout this.Grandpa and Dad are probably rolling over in their graves as this is one more piece of evidence of how far a once proud company has sunk. On the other hand, my brother is probably rolling over with laughter because this guy took a creative approach to the problem, which appears to have caused UAL to sit up and take notice.

Monday, July 6, 2009

One Man's Crystal Ball

The following link takes you to notes from a speech given by the CEO of the Alabama Retirement System.What if he's right?

More Must See TV - YouTube

The Battle Hymn of the Baby Boomer

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The New 400 Theaters

The Village North movie theater at Columbia and Sheridan closed and in its place we now have the New 400 Theaters. I watched Ice Age 3 here. The theaters have been cleaned up, repainted, new carpeting and wall coverings in the hallways, and the moldy smell is gone. There are still 4 screens. The only downside tonight was the projection room did not get the movie fully up on the screen. During

Ice Age 3

I wish I had seen it in 3-D. It was hilarious. Sid and Mother Dinosaur echoed Donkey and Dragon in Shrek although no long term relationship was going to happen here. The flying sequence involving a flock of pterosaurs was outstanding. The aerial flight sequences of standard movies had nothing on this one.The story begins with the impending birth of Manny and Ellie's bundle of joy. Sid and

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thai Time

If you like Thai food, now is the time to enjoy a special promotion of Thai food. Click the tab for participating restuarants.

Fasten Your Seatbelts

Southwest Airlines is known for its cheap fares and generally pleasant cabin crews, who have been known to crack a joke or two during the safety demo. My late brother was quite the standup comedian when he flew with United, and I have encountered other flight attendants who came up with creative ways to spice up an otherwise dry presentation. But never, and I mean never, have I come across a

See How She Runs

So Governor Palin is stepping down. Interesting. Commenters all over ponder whether she is gearing up for a run in 2012 for the White House. Supposedly she wants to be more engaged with the party on a national level. Perhaps but there may be a more mundane reason: a rumored federal investigation leading to a potentially career ending indictment. Whether or not this turns out to be true is of

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The State of Iraqi Oil

From the Iraq Oil Forum an interview with Jabbar Al-Luaibi on the state of oil production in Iraq. We may have gone to Iraq for the oil, but the current environment is in decline and not doing well at all.

Renewable Power and EVs - Hype or Hope?

From The Automatic Earth a posting about renewable energy and EVs and why they won't be there when we need them. It's all about the (lack of) infrastructure folks.

They Got Us By The Shorties

Oh yeah, they sure do. The US is the world's largest debtor nation. Some excerpts:Foreigners now hold nearly 50 percent of the federal government's publicly held debt.andForeign governments have taken notice - in particular, China, which now holds more U.S. Treasury debt than any other country. In the 12 months through April, China's portfolio of Treasury debt securities has soared by more than