Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays

A very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and a Happy New Year to everyone!I'll be on the road visiting relatives and friends, so in and out. Hopefully we will all have a safe and sane holiday season. Best Wishes and see you soon!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There And Back Again

It's official! The Hobbit will be made after all, via 2 films and an anticipated first release in 2010. Man oh man. I can see it now. A 5 movie marathon in some far off future on HBO or TNT or even at IMAX. Naturally, the forums at TORN have exploded. This should keep the fans busy for months, at the very least.I am glad Jackson and New Line came to terms. It will be interesting to see

Saturday, December 8, 2007

On the Road Again

Folks - I am racking and stacking the miles and points as I write this. That will be the case for 2008 as well. Keep commenting when I post, or when others post.I will kill the moderation on the belief that what I post about lacks the magnetic draw for trolls. The downside is that when the trolls appear it may be a while before I delete their posts. C'est la vie.I miss the snow. We had a 2-4"

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Spatial Horizons and Living Room Rearrangement

By : Sarika Kabra

If you find yourself in the situation that you feel the need for change in the living room, before you go out and buy something or throw anything away, you may want to think about a little rearrangement. Rearranging the living room furniture can be both fun and interesting; there are a few things that you should keep in mind when doing so.

People usually tend to make two kinds of mistakes. The first mistake is that they don’t quite use the space that they have, and the second mistake is that they either put in too much or too little. An example of the former is a large sofa set in a tiny corner, or in the opposite case, too little into too much, such as a chair or cushion in an area with space for a couch. These two kinds of errors come along with two kinds of personalities: the ‘minimalist’ and the ‘pack rat’.

The minimalist likes to keep things simple, like a single picture in a large room, or couches all in black, and a few red cushions. They enjoy form, contrast, open space, and a sense of freedom. The pack rat is the opposite of the minimalist. The pack rat likes to have many objects brought together, different colors, multiple forms, shapes, sizes, a sense of life and nature in the home. When a pack rat and a minimalist live together, this inevitably leads to a collision of style, for where one person feels the need to fill an empty corner with an extra recliner, the other wants to leave it open and feels that it would just add extra clutter.

When the time comes that you’ve decided to rearrange your house, you should therefore consider the following points. The first thing to do is that if you and your spouse are bumping heads as a minimalist and a pack rat, first sit down and try to come to an agreement about where the limits for each of your styles can meet. This is going to mean sacrifice on both sides, but it’s a necessary step.

Once you’ve both come to an agreement, the next thing is to look at the space in the living room. How are things already being used? Is that leather recliner in the corner really necessary? Is it blocking the entrance in and out of the room? If you moved it at an angle would things improve, or if you switched it with a smaller chair in the opposite corner? What if your removed it altogether? Know the space in your house and learn how to use it.

Remember, the actual rearranging of things doesn’t have to be drastic. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference, such as separating that sectional sofa which just divides the living room space. The basic point to keep in mind is that in choosing how to use the space, think about where each piece fits, how to best use it, and how it fits with the whole.

Article Source:

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Junior Takes On Beavers

The Chicago Tribune published an op-ed piece by Jesse Jackson,Jr. (free subscription may be required) that thoroughly raps William Beavers.Stroger's outrageous $888 million tax hike plan would add 1,100 new jobs—after laying off hundreds of nurses and frontline health-care providers. It shortchanges the sheriff's police—but adds "administrative" jobs, apparently for Stroger's families and

Drilling Deep

Some details about the Tupi oil well in Brazil. Petrobras is getting props for being a well run, efficient company. Consequently it is able to do this kind of work, which doesn't come cheap no matter how efficient they are. Just look at the numbers. Chavez and Calderon could learn a thing or two from this company.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Moving Along

I have been staying on top of action in the oil patch, and right now it is very interesting. The latest weekly update suggests a couple of things:1 - Saudi still has spare oil to pump, however it is looking like heavy sour and there is still some question as to how long they can keep it up, and2 - Demand may be dropping, however slowly, year over year. This won't stop a peak from occurring, but

Monday, November 26, 2007

Everything you wanted to know.....

About Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs and didn't know how to ask. Very readable report by Gail Tverberg. Easy to understand and has interesting pictures. Also explains the economics of the Brutus rig, which can be extrapolated to other rigs, as you will see in the comments.

Reading Levels

Saw the link at The Broken Heart and all I can say is: WOW! Look at me! I have another blog that clocks in at Elementary level, which I guess isn't surprising since it deals with Fandom. Yet my Larouche site comes in at a whopping Genius Level. Really! you suppose I could join Mensa now? How about I write a Magnum Opus and shop it around to be published? I am a versatile writer!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Chickens Are On Their Way

The chickens are coming home to roost. All the turbulence in the realm of mortgages is about to increase. Maybe I am being too hard, but when I read about folks who don't do due diligence and/or don't consider the truth about what they can really afford, and then take on a risk that blows up in their face I just can't bring myself to believe that I need to bail them out. Unfortunately, these

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not so happy endings

Heading Out pens a piece on the endings of various cultures. The comments are as illustrating as the essay.Oil came this close to hitting $100/barrel.The State of Connecticut has its very own Peak Oil report (PDF) to review, which includes this tasty morsel:Oil reservoirs in the Lower Tertiary layer of the Gulf of Mexico are not in one large field but rather scattered in many pocket fields. Due

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

The Comic Vault commercials are here. Imagine if you were Professor X and your transport got booted!

Monday, November 19, 2007

If the WSJ print it, is it real?

The Wall Street Journal is acknowledging production constraints on the oil supply and the implications for the future. That's almost the equivalent of a Papal blessing in other quarters. Looks like the business world is finally waking up. It's a start.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Simmons Speaks Again

From the November 17, 2007 Financial Sense Newshour; the Third Hour, about 12 minutes in (just over 30 minutes long), has Matt Simmons (Windows Media should work) speaking about oil, and includes a reference to Dr. Al-Husseini speaking 2 weeks ago about oil at a conference. Listen carefully. Per the good doctor, based on known information the best case is an undulating plateau for 10 years

Gateway Dominicks

I was up at the Gateway doing some early food shopping. The renovation is done and it looks wonderful. Saturday the place was pretty lively with employees giving up samples, one guy hand cutting steaks, and generally doing their best to show off the changes. The lighting scheme certainly helps to minimize the high ceiling warehouse look the store originally had. I hope this lasts a good long

Gasoline at $9.00/Gallon

Today. Right now. In England. Doubt me? Here is Matt Simmons on energy prices and more. And some comments on the GAO report.Here is a lovely map describing the distribution and utilization of oil.If you have an hour to spare, and .mp3 capability James Kunstler's speech to the Commonwealth Club of California is worth listening to. He speaks directly to the issue of Cantarell, including the

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Make Room for a Mudroom

By : The House Team Of Mortgage Intellingence

Now that our thoughts are turning again to outdoor living, it's agreat time to think about making room this year for what may beone of the most practical places in the house: the mudroom.
Never mind that we may associate mudrooms with images of country houses, English wellies and walking sticks - the premise is the same in our modern lives. Every home must find a way to manage that transition that its inhabitants make between life outdoors and life inside. A mudroom is perfectly practical - and can also be perfectly pleasing.

The Struggle For Order
It's funny how the whole house can be thrown into chaos by all those indoor/outdoor transition problems. Where to put backpacks, skis, muddy boots, litter box, dog leash, wet mittens, bicycle helmets, sunscreen, rain slickers and wild bird seed? The mudroom is the perfect answer - and it can be either grand or modest in scale.

Find Some Space, Or Make Some
You may be able to design a mudroom using space you already have: in a front or back porch, in an underused main floor laundry room, in an attached garage, or perhaps in a back hall. If you can't find the necessary square footage for this marvelous utility room, it's a great time to think seriously about making a mudroom part of a home addition; there's never been a better time to finance that kind of project.

Not only is it an energy saving airlock, but also -- penny for penny, inch for inch -- it's space that will add ease and comfort to your daily routine.
Think High-School Locker And Go Vertical
Each family member gets his or her own space fitted with hooks (for outerwear, caps, backpacks, skates), shelves (for sweaters and sweatshirts),and baskets (for mittens, sunglasses, gloves, sunscreen, keys, etc.) Put pegs at different levels for various ages of family members.

A Place For Everything
This should be one of the best-organized spaces in your home. Think about how you will use the room. Consider, for example, finding an antique pine dry sink: a perfect solution for storing unwieldy items like bags of dog food, home canning paraphernalia, or potting soil - and a great place to set the groceries as you come in the door.

How about a big ceramic bowl to hold the day's mail? Crowded for space in the kitchen? Think about a pantry cupboard to store extra canned, bottled, and dry goods. And keep a first-aid kit in an old-fashioned black lunchbox - for backyard emergencies.

Take A Load Off
Every mudroom needs a bench (preferably built in with a hinged lid) in which you can store helmets, towels, garden hats... and it's such a pleasure to be able to sit when you are getting in or out of shoes and boots.

Bead Board Paneling
Either painted or natural bead board paneling is the perfect wall treatment. Nothing too precious in this room -- just easy to maintain surfaces that can take rough and tumble treatment.
Floors should be stone, tile, or vinyl. Be sure to use an absorbentwashable mat too, and a bristle mat at the very entrance is necessary for maximum mud removal.

Plumb The Mudroom And Install A Big Sink
This is truly a luxury, but how great would it be to have a dedicated sink for houseplant potting, washing up from gardening, or rinsing off a muddy child or pet before entering the rest of the house? A French farmhouse sink would be fabulous...but a stainless steel basin works too!
Make it command central

Why not put up a blackboard, and a cork bulletin board for daily messages and reminders? Have you noticed lately that many of the best show homes and design magazines are sporting handsome, organized mudrooms?
No secret behind this growing trend; smart designers have simplycaught up with the reality of our indoor/outdoor lifestyles! This spring, make room for your own mudroom!

Article Source:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trouble in our Back Yard?

I am not sure how much is hyperventilation, but Michael Orme, a technology writer, comments on what looks like an ongoing economic breakdown in Mexico. I know I once said that immigration from the south was likely to increase if Mexico's economy got worse. He is certainly correct about Pemex' impact on the Mexican economy, although all those billionaires are getting their money from somewhere.

Foreclosure Follies

Deutsche Bank discovered that in Ohio, at least, the job's not done until the paperwork is finished. Lots of folks think this means that they can stave off foreclosure, however it's only a temporary respite until the paperwork is cleaned up. Regardless, DB got their head handed to them by the Judge, who was not suffering any fools that day. Read the post for the details, it's

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An Uncomfortable Truth

Over the past couple of days I have been following articles at The Washington Post that I believe have utility for Rogers Park. There has been ongoing discussion in the local blogosphere about the poor, and about the criminal element. Some draw a distinction between the two, others appear to believe it is a merely an opportunity for racist beliefs to rear their ugley heads. Well it seems that

Mulligan Stew

A hash of stuff I found or received over the past couple of days.1. Elections are coming! Yeah so the turkey and Santa will get here first, BUT Elections are coming! A couple of enterprising students have created 2008 Central to track the Presidential elections. Meanwhile Voter49 has finally surfaced as RP Voters with a revamped mission.2. Earmark Watch is the place to go in checking out, or

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Can He Do It? And Other Tales from the Oil Front

According to Michael Rowan and Douglas Schoen, writing in the LA Times (free subscription required), Hugo Chavez could trigger a global recession all by his little lonesome self effective December 2 of this year. Here's how:On that day, if Venezuelan citizens pass the dozens of constitutional amendments on the ballot, Chavez will essentially be granted dictatorial powers -- an elected strongman

Monday, November 12, 2007

There was a time

When comic books were just that, comic books. Now they are graphic novels, sometimes. In any case, they are slicker looking than they were in the past, and I just saw how slick with a visit to the Chicago Comic Vault over at Montrose and Ashland. It's run by a guy I know, Matt Sardo, who is working hard at building his business and making connections. Yeah, I know, it's not Evil Squirrel at

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

MegaDisaster at the History Channel

The History Channel will be broadcasting Mega Disaster: Oil Apocalypse (scroll down for dates and times) next week. This could be very interesting.

Mocking Security

Tom Mannis posted this lovely piece and I am just floored. I know we have folks out there who just don't get it, but good golly people! The mind spins in wonder at the possibilities. Imagine if one of these folks wanted to disrupt airport operations! I have a sister who works for UAL and I travel enough to know that our security blanket is pocked with holes. We surely don't need

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Government Follies

So this is how far we have fallen. Government by Executive Order appears to be on the horizon, thanks to partisan bickering and a lack of vision in both parties. God help them all if the electorate decides to throw ALL of the bums out come November 2008.Who knew Fox News would actually present something sensible? Martin Frost, a former Texas Congressman, writes about health care for

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ronen and More

I understand Heather Steans has filed to run for Ronen's seat. Suzanne Elder may have filed as well, although reading multiple sites I am not entirely sure.There is talk that Ms. Steans got a heads up in advance of Ms. Ronen's plan. Regardless, the information seeping out makes it clear that she is well connected and well positioned to take advantage of the opportunity. Whether she saw it

To Unite -- Or Not

This one is for Tom Mannis, who has expressed concern about the so-called North American Union arising from the Security and Prosperity Partnership. I said I was doubtful, and God bless the ever reliable elected hacks and their bureaucrat backups for demonstrating yet again how the best laid plans of political elites can be turned to trash. If there is really going to be a North American Union

Waiting for the fall

More from Matt Simmons on what's awry in the oil patch. You need rigs to drill oil and we apparently have rust buckets galore, positively vintage in auto terms.The Energy Watch Group, a German outfit, has published a lengthy report on the state of oil production and reserves. The Executive Summary is here. The report is being chewed on by Peak Oilers all over. They are of the view that we are

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Peak Oil - We Are Probably There

A lot went on in the Peak Oil world over the past week, and not just the price rise. From what I have read, we are definitely on the plateau. We may see some small peaks, but that won't change the ultimate direction we are headed in.Matt Simmons on CNBC talking about the cost of oil. Would you pay $8/gallon like they do in Europe?Will you listen to the OPEC guys who tell us that world reserves

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Putting The "Living" Into Your Living Room Furniture

By Mark Woodcock

What kind of room is your living room? Is it that kind of room with all of the fancy furniture and accessories, possibly antiques or family heirlooms, where no one dares to enter, that is meant for "company"? Or is your home's living room the place that might be considered the family room, the place where everyone gathers, family and friends alike, to watch television, play games, entertain, talk, or just relax? Whatever the purpose of the living room is in your home, the living room furniture and accessories is a necessary (and often expensive) component in setting a certain preferred mood or theme, and should be representative of you and your family's personality.

Most families spend the vast majority of their time together in the living room. That is most likely because that is where all of the "fun" things to do in the house are, like the television, stereo, perhaps even game systems. Next to the kitchen, the living room is the heart of the home. That is why it is important that your living room furniture be durable, accommodating (meaning that there is enough seating for family and guests), and comfortable.

When furnishing your living room, you should think about what your family uses it for. Do you primarily watch television in there? Do you merely entertain company in the form of good conversation in there? Do you do a lot of reading or other activities such as sewing or crafts in there? Will guests be sleeping in there? Do you play games together in there? Deciding how you want to use the room will help you choose the appropriate pieces of furniture, and save you money in the long run.

The basic living room furniture pieces are usually a sofa, one or more chairs (of various types), a coffee table, maybe some end tables, and lighting. When you are looking for a sofa, determine if you will be accommodating overnight guests in your living room. If so, you need to explore the sleeper sofa. Sleeper sofas have come a long way from the thin and lumpy mattress with a bar in your back, and provide a very comfortable place for your guests to slumber peacefully. If you don't need a sleeper sofa, then think about the size your sofa needs to be. There are large sectionals that accommodate several people at once. There are sofa and love seat combinations that allow you more freedom in furniture arrangement. Determine what will fit in your room, and purchase accordingly.

When shopping for living room furniture, you need to determine if you need other types of seating besides a sofa. There are cushiony, comfy chairs and there are more formal occasional chairs. Depending on the activities that take place in your living room, the furniture should accommodate accordingly. There should also be enough seating to accommodate a good number of people, if you have a large family or entertain guests regularly.

Another type of living room furniture that is commonly seen is some kind of table. Beginning with the coffee table, you can add surfaces to play games, hold drinks and knick-knacks, even a place for someone to prop their weary feet upon. Coffee tables are often large enough to place sofas and chairs around, and provide a multitude of functions. There are also end tables, which provide a base for lighting fixtures, knick-knacks, magazines, and often act as accent pieces. If you want to use your living room for game playing, and the room is large enough, you can also consider a small game table in a corner.

Lighting, though not considered furniture, is a vital accessory to include with your living room furniture. If you plan on reading, crafting, or playing games in your living room, then you will need good lighting. Ambient lighting is also nice in the living room for entertaining and relaxing.
No living room furniture setting is complete today without the entertainment center. It provides a place to store all of your home entertainment equipment, including the television, stereo, game systems, VCR, DVD player, and speakers. These come in a variety of sizes, colors, and types, and also come in a variety of prices. Again, what you buy depends on your needs and the size of your room.

When you are furnishing and decorating your living room, there is no need to use a particular theme. As long as the colors and patterns coordinate and follow your family's style, it will be a great room to be in. By accessorizing with pictures, wall hangings, shelving, plants, or other personal touches, your living room will be a comfortable place that your family will enjoy spending time in. Your living room furniture is merely the basis upon which family memories are made.

About The Author:Mark is a director of 3 Internet Companies, is a published author and has written many articles on a widespread number of topics. All his articles may be reproduced provided that an active link is included to

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The View From Georgetown

My last post was the day before I wandered off to our nation's capital and the joys of working off a public PC. Especially one that has been loaded with emulation software that prevents basic copy/paste functions. Don't ask..I haven't a clue. Yeah, I know, Kinko's is an option, but it isn't nearby and you haven't been working my schedule so let's not go there.I have done my level best to stay

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tips For Living Room Feng Shui

By Mike

Living room feng shui is one of the best ways to start the process of fine tuning the home to reflect the ancient philosophy. No other room is the house gives an individual more feng shui potential than the dining room.

The reason for this is that more than likely the living room is central to all family life. The dining room is the one room of the entire home that can be activated according to all nine sectors that are used in the bagua square.

This makes dining room feng shui very important and one of the best rooms to begin transforming to reflect a good home using this chinese philosophy.

A dining room is there everyone congregates together no matter if it is just the family getting together or being used for a celebration. In order to promote good living room feng shui, the key to remember is arrangement.

Most living rooms are designed to form an L where either the fireplace or television is the central focus. However, people should be the focus instead.
In an L-shape, people may feel uncomfortable for no reason. However, if the dining room is arranged so the seats face each other then everyone will begin to be more at ease and harmonious.

This simple change in arrangement can promote a more positive energy flow, which is the key to good living room using this chinese philosophy.
In dealing with living room of this chinese philosophy, a person can make quick fixes that can help promote feng shui. By simply adding red and gold to a living room, a person will help promote happy feelings and keep conflict away.

Another simple thing to do is hand a family picture on the east wall. According to the bagua square, this area of the room is intended for boosting family relationships. The dining room is a perfect place to do this since so much time is spent with the family in this room.
Living room feng shui is one of the most popular feng shui searches on the internet. A person can promote this ancient philosophy by doing just a few simple moves of furniture or pictures.
By adding certain colors, design using this chinese philosophy can be promoted quickly and easily. If a person wishes, they can be more elaborate by completely rearranging their furniture to enhance feng shui.

The key to remember when searching for living room of this chinese philosophy is to promote positive chi in every touch one adds even if the touch is elaborate or simple.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Opening Up A Small Bathroom

By Stephanie Smith

Not everyone has the large and spacious bathroom of their dreams, in fact, many of us don't. But that doesn't mean that you have to settle for a cramped bathroom without any room to move around. Even tiny bathrooms can get a makeover to use limited space more effectively. Keep reading to find out how...

To commence with, try decorating your walls and floor with soft and pale colors such as whites, neutrals and pastel tones. This will help to make the room seem bigger and airier. While strong and intense colors can make the room appear smaller and more confined, they can be used for small items such as towels or countertop accessories to provide a pleasant contrast. If the flooring is currently dark, try its presence with a soft colored rug or floor covering.

Get rid of larger items. Go for streamlined light fixtures or pot lights which don't take up much space in your room. Larger fixtures help to give a more cluttered feeling to your bathroom, which is what you definitely want to steer clear of. The less clutter on the countertop or walls the better. Keep it simple.

Ample lighting also helps to make your space appear larger. In addition to pot lights, other lighting choices include skylights and sola tubes. Take advantage of any light from windows if you have them. You'll want to make sure you have window coverings to ensure your privacy, but try to get curtains or blinds that still allow some light into your bathroom.

If you don't need a lot of storage room in the bathroom, think about using a pedestal sink instead of a full vanity cabinet. This is a great possibility for powder rooms where you may not have a lot of hygiene or make-up items. The pedestal sink opens up additional floor space and has a smooth, clean look.

Hanging racks, wall shelves, and other tiny bathroom fixtures should be placed in areas where they aren't going to restrict your movement. Over the toilet is often the best area for a small cabinet, but beware of other areas where they will shrink your space and you might be bumping in to them. It's not worth having if it makes your room awkward. A cabinet over the toilet, preferably in a color close to that of the walls, will help you to get rid of some of your clutter (extra bars of soap, toothpaste, bandages, etc.), but adding more cabinets will only increase the cluttered look.
A large mirror may help to make your room look larger since it will reflect more light. Keep the mirror simple to reduce the look of clutter.

Most people want their home bathroom to be inviting and relaxing, and this can be accomplished in a tiny bathroom with some creativity and advanced planning. Have fun decorating!

For more information on home decorating and interior design, visit us at .

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Focusing on the Data

Tom Mannis and I are having a disagreement about some terminology and how it applies to the issue of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) aka North American Union, as well as the issue itself.Let me start with the terminology, specifically the word 'conspiracy.' Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, Copyright 2001 (the latest I have) defines

What Does This Really Mean?

I don't usually post about Lyndon LaRouche here, but this article regarding the Homeowner and Bank Protection Act of 2007 is a doozy. The proposal as been picked apart at FACTNet as basically destroying the banking system as we know it. If there is anyone reading who is familiar with the banking system and would care to offer an opinion, I am listening. Intuitively I don't like the way it

Wholesale Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

A living room is often the soul of a person's home. It reflects the person's taste and aesthetic sense. A lot of forethought goes into deciding on the perfect living room furniture. Many people buy living room furniture directly from a wholesaler, as it works out cheaper than to purchase from a retailer.

Usually, a furniture manufacturer transports finished products to the wholesaler 's warehouse. The wholesaler in turn distributes them to retailers and distributors. Sometimes, this supply chain is altered with the wholesaler directly distributing the goods to the customer. This happens when a customer wants to buy in large quantities and is looking for a price advantage. Most people look for wholesale furniture when they renovate their homes, as they need bulk quantities to redo the entire house. Purchasing living room furniture at wholesale prices can help customers save a lot of money.

A person who is looking to buy wholesale living room furniture can find information about it in the classified columns of local newspapers. Many dealers place advertisements in these columns, offering wholesale prices for furniture. The net is a good source of information for wholesale living room furniture.

Some dealers offer wholesale prices, as they want to dispose off their old stock and make room for new models and designs. Distributors also offer wholesale prices at trade shows if a customer places an order on the spot. This is because an order booked during the show allows them to directly send the product to the customer. This saves them the cost of stocking the merchandise and saves space.

For a person looking at renovating his home, and looking for affordable but good, long lasting living room furniture, it is necessary to contact many different sources of wholesale furniture and buy only after comparing the prices.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Article Source:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

911 Emergency - Wrong Burger - Book 'Em Danno!

You have to hear this to believe it. I pray that this sort of call is atypical, but I fear it might not be. Picked up from comments to this post at Chicago Dispatchers. Best part about this post is in the comments where we see a brief discussion of life on the phones. Worth reading.

AM Auto Wreck

Sheridan is blocked from about Sherwin to Touhy due to an accident, starting about 6:15 AM. It's 7:42 AM now, and I have no clue when the street will reopen. The 147 is being re-routed down Touhy for the duration.I went out at 6:22 AM for an early walk and heard sirens, lots of sirens, all south of me. In about 5 minutes I found out why. A black Cadillac (newer model) had tangled with a

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Would You Switch?

Today I came across this startling column by Robert Novak. I don't always agree with him, but this column really set me thinking. What if the Internal Revenue Code were substantially changed, resulting in your giving up the deductions and credits of today for a much flatter tax and far less intrusive IRS? Would you switch? Would you switch, knowing that if every taxpayer did so, the

Is It A Conspiracy If I Talk Openly?

Back at the end of August I commented on a post by Tom Mannis regarding the alleged effort to create a North American Union. I was skeptical then, and I remain skeptical now, albeit in a more nuanced way. My skepticism is primarily fueled by the fact that the mainstream media (MSM) is sleeping at the switch if this is such a huge deal. Wouldn't be the first time but this gorilla is awfully

Ann Coulter Strikes Again

Ann Coulter gave an interview to Danny Deutsch on The Big Idea in which she asserts that Jews need to become perfected and thus become Christians. No, I am not making this up, you can read all about it here at Media Matters for America and watch the video too.Now normally I would just blow this off as more of Ann's vile spewing, but it comes on the heels of this report from Barna Group, which

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Economic Growth - The New Opiate of the People?

George Monbiot suggests that we need a recession to introduce some sanity into our way of life. He speaks heresy of course, something he freely acknowledges, beginning here:If you are of a sensitive disposition, I advise you to turn the page now. I am about to break the last of the universal taboos. I hope that the recession now being forecast by some economists materialises. I recognise that

Atlantis - a Silver BB

It's the name of an oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service describes Atlantis in this article. It is now pumping first oil, 9 years after discovery. It will max out at 200K/bpd over a lifetime of 15 productive years. Keep in mind that it won't be producing at that level the entire time.This is a very deep oilfield. Even assuming technology

When The Voyage Began

Picked up this notice about The Menagerie. This was Star Trek's original pilot, later chopped up for a 2 parter on TOS. It's being screened around the country on November 13. AMC River East will be showing it and I bought myself a ticket. This should be great fun for those of us who were there when it all began.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Living Room Decorating! Read This Before You Start Out

By Shrinivas Vaidya

When it comes to living room decorating there are many styles one can choose from. There are hundreds, if not thousands of options in terms of carpet alone. Maybe you want to go with hardwood, or be adventurous, and try stained concrete. Whatever the case, each element of a living room goes into the overall living room decorating plan that is set in motion when one moves into a home, or renovates his, or her living room.

The best way to implement a living room decorating concept is to research the purpose of the room. The purpose of your living room is for most a place of sanctuary, where one can kick back in the recliner, with a cold beverage, and enjoy a ball game, or movie. For others the living room can be a virtual office, in the days of wireless internet, and laptop computers, living room decorating must consider these things. Whatever the use is for your living room, try locating it before you do any living room decorating, in order to fully adorn the room with functional decorations.

A function decoration is one that serves a purpose beyond accenting a rooms looks. Some living room decorating experts utilize this on a daily basis. In fact, many interior decorators make this the fundamental premise behind all their work. A living room decorating plan that implements at least some functional elements will greatly assist those enjoying the room on a regular basis.

The most common functional elements found when living room decorating is occurring are old wood tables being used as desks, a piece of a sail boat converted into a coffee table, or even a fancy piece of art, that happens to be a clock. These are your common, run of the mill functional design elements. There are plenty of others worth a try as well.

One can utilize all types of materials to make functional design elements. For my living room I wanted an industrial look, so I went with metal as my core material. I was able to have a metal breakfast bar created for less than three thousand dollars. The bar is covered with a custom piece of glass, and adds a modern pop to any living room.

Your challenge is to find what you like to do in a living room, and try to incorporate it into your design. Once you do this, your living room will not only be beautiful, but also functional.

Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya

Shrinivas Vaidya is the webmaster of Visit today to get more free living room decorating tips to decorate a beautiful and charming living room of your wildest dreams.

Article Source:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Your Tax Dollars on the Road

Today's newspapers featured an article about a GAO report on premium class travel by federal employees. Pretty scandalous stuff, until you wrap some context around the report, something our fearless reporter whose article was posted all over hell and back failed to do.1 - On page 10 the GAO acknowledges that premium class travel represents <1% of all government travel and 7% of the airline cost

Monday, October 1, 2007

Small Living Room Design Tips To Fool The Eye

By Albert Lee

If you have a small living room, chances are you also have small furniture and fixtures to match. But this doesn't have to be your final resort if you do have a small living room. Designing a small living room may be a challenge, but it is quite fulfilling when you see the finished product of a small living room design that fits your small space and lifestyle.
1. Use lighter shades of green, blue and yellow for your walls. These lighter colors or pastels help open up the room and give it a more airy feel. If you want a cozier feel to your living room, use darker shades of red, blue and brown.
2. To help further open up the room, use mirrors and glass table tops. Mirrors reflect light and give the illusion of a larger room. Make sure that the mirror reflects a view or an ornamental item to enhance the room. Use glass table tops to give your small living room an open feel, rather than using hard wood table that further shrinks the room.
3. Avoid using heavily printed upholstery for your seating and sofa. Use light, monochromatic colors that match. Avoid mix and match of colors as well, as it makes the room look smaller and tight.
4. Use light gauzy and filmy fabrics for your window treatments. These fabrics let natural light pass through and adds more personality to your living room. Do not overdo and avoid using heavily printed fabrics in a small living room design.
5. If you want to accessorize your small living room, choose the items that will compliment your furniture and fixture. And make sure these items are also functional to help you keep the room spacey and clutter-free.
6. Choose the right-sized fixtures and accessories. Do not over-decorate your small living room; instead, look for items that will help make the room look bigger. Choose reflective items such as a good-sized glass-top coffee table, a wall mirror and a few functional items that add style and class to your small living room design.

To learn more living room design tips and ideas, visit
Article Source:

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pot au feu

A motley collection of events over the past couple of weeks. I found myself locked in a Dallas hotel with 20+ folk at a meeting.Meetings Bloody Meetings For 2 weeks I was on the hot seat to keep a large meeting on track. Not something they train you to do in Revenue Officer class or Assembler programming class. I pulled it off, and everything went pretty well, although the room temperature was

The Myth of a Christian Nation

Say what you will about the Founding Fathers, apparently the evidence exists that they never intended for the US to be founded as a Christian nation. See The Treaty of Tripoli and read Ed Buckner's commentary on the same subject.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Traditional Living Room Design - Of Grace And Formality

By Albert Lee

When we think of traditional living room design we often associate it with large houses, manors, hotels and palaces. Traditional living room design has existed for a long time because of the formal and graceful effect it brings to the home.

1. Lighting is essential in creating the mood of your traditionally designed living room. Make sure to use the right lighting fixtures to help you set the desired ambiance. Traditional living room design calls for soft lighting to give the room a dramatic feel.
2. The use of correct color pallet and fabrics to help accentuate and illuminate the room is also essential. Use sheen fabrics for your sofa and chair upholstery. Emphasize your living room's color scheme by using repeated colors and patterns on drapes and upholsteries. However, do not overdo by just sticking on one pattern all over the room. Make sure your design is elegant and not redundant.
3. Expose your sofa's legs by using tailored or customized sofa skirts to give your living room a more traditional ambiance. Use upholstered wooden chairs to match and arrange them accordingly without breaking the symmetry of the design.
4. Wall coloring is also important. Choose colors that will help accentuate the design. Avoid bold or dark colors for your walls if you want to maintain the open feel of the room. Traditional living room design calls for classic elegance, so keep the colors in tune to keep the ambiance in tact.
5. Choose furniture pieces that will complement each other. Avoid clashing textures, colors and loud designs. The furniture itself is part of the traditional living room design style, so there's no need to exaggerate on the choice of material. Buy furniture that comes in twos or threes to meet the symmetrical style of the design. These could be the wall lighting, sofa set, armchairs and other smaller pieces.

When you opt for the traditional living room design, you should always remember the above mentioned aspects. Keeping the room open, cool and airy is important especially in daytime. Lighting sets the mood at night time and furniture enhances the design without overpowering the style.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


At the risk of treading on ice here, let me comment on Commitments.I have just read Toni's post regarding Joe Moore backing away from a commitment he made to the North of Howard Parks Advisory Council. I'll concede that Joe's calendar may have resulted in his unavailability to attend the meeting. I won't concede the failure to distribute the flyer.Claiming that he doesn't want to overwhelm

Mimosas are here!!!

Well it's time! Gruppo d'Amici is starting Sunday Brunch on 9/16. I got a look at the menu. This isn't your typical Sunday Brunch, it has a definite Italian sensibility from the Spaghetti Carbonara ($12) to the Vegetarian Panini ($7.50). Best place to start....the $5 Mimosas, Bellinis and Out of This World Bloody Marys (Made with Stoli). I can't wait to try it out.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Innovation Fallacy

From The Archdruid via The Oil Drum, an essay about the limits of technology. John Greer's post uses microbes in a petri dish to explain it, and I certainly get his point. Technology is valuable, but it isn't a silver bullet, although possibly a silver BB that may help soften the blow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Health Clinic

I have seen the Alderman's email and Westgard's post about the new health clinic. I remember talking to Jim about it when he was running and it was an item that got my attention. And yes I do think that Joe took the long view in helping get the clinic a home. Smart move.Kudos to all involved. Jim and his crew did the legwork and got the paperwork in on time. That's half the battle right there

On The Road Again

I am racking and stacking points and miles for the next month. Because I have comment moderation enabled, it may take a day or more for your comment to appear. Please don't panic. I do check as often as I can snag a hotel PC.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Discount Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

Discount living room furniture is furniture you buy at a discounted rate. The best time to look for discount living room furniture is when a furniture company has a factory discount sale. One then visits this factory to choose one’s required living room furniture.

If your new home is located in a pre-planned community, you can try checking out the developer’s model home for discount living room furniture. The furniture here may be a little worn, but it’s a great way of getting coordinated living room furniture sets. Most of the big furniture stores also have scratch-and-dent rooms where they keep their slightly damaged, and heavily discounted, furniture. If there are any wholesale furniture warehouses in your area, you could also consider looking there. It is always better to buy wholesale furniture than retail furniture.

Another great source for discount living room furniture is the flea market. However, finding one may involve a lot of time and effort. Just as the early bird gets the worm, the best discount living room furniture at the flea market goes quickly. So visiting a flea market early is the only way to get good discount living room furniture as late arrivals are usually left with leftovers. When going to the flea market to buy furniture, it is better to take a list of the furnishings you require. This is because flea markets can be huge and easy to lose focus in. It is also better to take the dimensions of your living room and a tape measure to see if the furniture that you intend to buy fits with your plans. Remember, when venturing to buy discount living room furniture at the flea market, with bargaining, the discount furniture ends up even cheaper.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Article Source:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Voting Integrity

From the New York Times a piece on voting and voting machines. I have no real issue with voting machines so long as they produce a paper audit trail. I do have an issue with any use of technology in sensitive applications (like voting) where appropriate mitigations are not taken to reduce the risk of tampering. Voting is one right that we have, which should not be put at risk simply because

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How's Your Bank Account?

One thing I do appreciate at The Oil Drum is the level of discourse. Alternative views are welcome, even if they are hotly argued. A case in point:David Strahan, author of The Last Oil Shock, published a letter challenging Duncan Clarke, author of The Battle for Barrels. Clarke has responded. Both letters elicited a huge outpouring of comments by the Drummers. The one that caught my eye,

Sunday, September 2, 2007

More on the SPP

I said I'd look further, and I am. First I caught up with Tom's latest, including a YouTube video of Lou Dobbs.Poor Lou. He certainly makes it sound dire, but leaves out that much of what needs to happen will indeed need Congressional input and oversight. To the extent the bureaucrats are able to act without Congress, they will. It's expected. Lou knows as well as anyone else that this

Saturday, September 1, 2007

There's A War Going On.....

I have followed Sister Joan's commentary about the Iraqi War and the direct comments from Iraqi women involved in the Women's Global Peace Initiative. Once again, we are reminded by the voices of those on the front lines that it's not nearly as simple as the political panderers would make it. We broke Iraq and we seem to be clueless on how to fix it. Check out the comments to the article as

Friday, August 31, 2007

The United States of North America?

I was running through the local blogs and came upon Tom's blast at the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. I haven't read everything at the SPP home page (sponsored by the U.S. State Department), nor all the information claiming it's an attempt to turn our side of the pond into the American equivalent of the E.U.As a federal bureaucrat I am somewhat familiar with the word games

The Whole Shocking Truth

Well now we know! There weren't 4 planes on 9/11. Leave it to Oliver Stone to get to the heart of the matter. Damn government coverup!!!!

Renting Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

The US has a sizable rental furniture market. Quite a few retail establishments have been providing furniture sets for rent for several years. With time the variety and options offered to customers have increased.

The demand for rental living room furniture is so high that there are chains of rental-purchase stores operating throughout the country. A survey by the industry points out to more demand in the Midwest and across the south. The northeast and north west are not high demand markets. In fact, Texas and Florida see the most brisk business in the furniture rental business.

A living room is often the setting in which people interact with outsiders in a home setting. So it becomes important to have it at least decently furnished. So if people cannot afford to buy living room furniture they often approach furniture companies to rent living room furniture. It often happens that those who rent the living room furniture end up buying the pieces.

People rent living room furniture for various reasons. Short stays are the main reason cited for renting living room furniture. When you are intending to stay somewhere for a very short while, say three to six months in a certain place, it is not very practical to buy furniture. Renting furniture is the best option. And living room furniture is often the most important furniture, as living rooms are where guests are entertained.

Low income is the other main reason for people to opt for renting living room furniture. The wide variety of furniture options available in the market are enough to tempt even the most spartan minded person to splurge. But incomes do not always support whims and fancies. So the next best option is to rent furniture. It is important to remember that rental companies can repossess rented furniture if the rental payments are not paid as per the lease agreements.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Article Source:

Monday, August 27, 2007

Home Care and Supported Living for Children and Families

By Roger Huxtable

The importance of home care and supported living for families which have a special needs child cannot be underestimated.

Home care and supported living services include periodic respite for care givers and on-going assistance to families looking after a special needs child; be it to take the pressure off parents or to develop the disabled child’s independence.

Home care and supported living enables children with mental and physical disabilities to live with their families in their own homes. Home care and supported living also benefit the child’s primary carers. For instance, the adult or adults who have primary responsibility for looking after the child may need a break from care-giving. Home care and supported living includes occasional respite services to enable the carers to do this.

Home care and supported living for children and families can take on many crucial aspects:
Home Care and Supported Living Gives the Main Carers a Break
Home care and supported living can involve respite care. This means that outside carers will come into the home of the child with special needs and care for him or her so that the parents or guardians can take a break from their everyday care duties.

Home Care and Supported Living Takes the Pressure off Parents
Home care and supported living is not always about looking after the child with special needs. It can also involve outside carers coming in to look after the other children in the family or simply carrying out household chores. This takes the pressure of the parents so that they can more easily look after the child with special needs.
Home Care and Supported Living Develops the Special Needs Child
Home care and supported living also helps to develop the child with special needs. For instance, outside carers can come into the child’s home and encourage and help him or her to carry out tasks him or herself.

Choosing the Right Home Care Services
A child with special needs affects each family differently. Some children are able to live relatively independently whilst others might need constant care and attention. Therefore it is essential for parents of special needs children to choose home care services carefully to ensure that their specific requirements are met.

Quality Care is a local care provider offering home care and supported living for children and families in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire

Article Source:

Friday, August 17, 2007

The Era of Tough Oil

TomDispatch has an article by Michael Klare that discusses the era of tough oil. It is by turns easy to read and hard to read. Klare makes this observation about the NPC report's commentary on new investments:These funds, which can only come from those of us in the wealthier countries, will be needed, the council notes, in "building new, multi-billion-dollar oil platforms in water thousands of

Thursday, August 16, 2007

5 Popular Living Room Design Ideas

By Albert Lee

Decorating a living room shouldn't be too extravagant and expensive. If you are in a tight budget, you can always do it yourself instead of hiring an interior designer; but if you can afford to hire a good designer, then why not. You can plan ahead and check for designs on the internet or magazines to visualize the effect on your actual living room.
Below are some of the popular living room design ideas that you may find on the internet and in various home design magazines:

1. Classic-Modern Design is one of the most common living room design ideas. Homes that have Classic-Modern style design enjoy mostly the relaxing feel and texture of the living space. If you have a very geometric or sharp edged space, toning and softening it with textures is the way to do it.
2. Hawaiian-inspired Design is not so difficult to achieve. Always remember the key elements: hand-made native ornaments and accessories, woven furniture, bamboo and of course the signature bold floral prints. If you love the Hawaiian sun, sea and flora, you can incorporate these aspects when planning for your living room design.
3. Modern Zen Design is made to relax and bring comfort into your living space. This living room design idea is quite popular nowadays especially for folks who wanted to have balance and comfort in their home. Having a focal point in your living room and accents to balance the style are the key ingredients. Incorporate a natural feel by opening up the room and letting in some natural light completes the Zen feel.
4. Tropical Style brings in the outdoor color pallets. The lush greens and yellows of natural flora are just two of most common colors you can find in a tropical living room design idea. Choose colors that are found naturally like the color of trees, plants, flowers and fruits. Think of a tropical forest or a market full of tropical fruits to inspire your design.
5. Victorian Style living rooms are plush and classy. You would normally find Victorian Style living rooms in Victorian style homes and hotels. The key here is classic sophisticated style with a splash of color and texture. Victorian style living rooms speak of opulence.

Whatever living room design idea you have in mind, make sure that it will fit your needs and lifestyle. Make sure to consult from a designer who knows how to handle a tight budget and complies with what you want. And always remember to choose the design that you will enjoy for a long time.
To learn more living room design tips & ideas, visit
Article Source:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Peak Oil Updates

There may be a light at the end of the tunnel for PEMEX. A tax cut is in the works. Mexico is considering a flat tax, and the proposal for PEMEX is included in the bill. Now for the part I am having a problem with:Pemex, the third-largest oil supplier to the U.S., has set a goal of maintaining crude-oil production at 3.1 million barrels per day and add proven reserves equivalent to 100 percent

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'll Say It Again

I keep pushing the issue of a peak oil risk analyis. Richard Heinberg looks over the current state of affairs regarding Peak Oil and offers the following, which should make the need for a risk analysis crystal clear:The global transport system is almost entirely dependent on oil—not just private passenger automobiles, but trucks, ships, diesel locomotives, and the entire passenger and freight

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Toni has raised the flag about the latest addition to Howard St.. This is a jewel? More likely this is more of the same old stuff that does not necessarily appeal to those of us with some discretionary income to spend.Not surprisingly, Paradise responds:You have all kind of chain stores at the Gateway. Alot of those buildings on Howard are empty because the owners were/are selling/renovating.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Call It What You Like

Something is up in the Arctic, and the real impact may be the undesirable release of methane (L.A. Times -- free subscription) into the atmosphere. Much worse than carbon dioxide if this scenario actually plays out.And more problems in the credit market. The European Central Bank is intervening with cash to relieve the credit crunch caused by the ongoing collapse of the subprime mortgage market

Comment Moderation

Is back on for now. You may all send your kind regards to Natas.


Sonny, go pimp your blog elsewhere. I am not giving you a free ride.

Young Children’s Room

By Dody Haris

The most important goal where children’s room are concerned is to try to achieve a reasonable compromise between your respective needs – in terms both of style, and balancing practically and fun, because a child’s bedroom should certainly be fun. Both girls and boys can be highly specific in their bedroom wish list, very often down to the exact shade of the walls, although girls tend to be more vociferous in their suggestion. The colour debate is tricky – their choice is often precisely what you would not have chosen, for adult tastes rarely coincide with those of children and subtle tastes tend to develop later in life. The decoration of his or her own room is serious matter for child. The perspective of youth makes everything far clearer and this applies equally to colour preferences – bright pink is better than blush, sunshine yellow preferable to primrose. This may be the one of the first opportunities for a child to assert his or her independence.

It is important for the adult to remember that young children change in their tastes and maturity faster than the decorations around them – what may thrill this year may be completely wrong in twelve months’ time. So simple is better than complicated and moderate investment, as far as the decorations is concerned is wiser than monetary overkill. Where a certain investment can usefully be considered is in the choice and arrangement of the permanent furnishing of a child’s room. However small the room, allow for as much floor space as possible – this is vital for games, reading, the construction of edifices and general reclining. A table that doubles as a desk is always a good addition, and is a form of storage that allows a fairly rapid transition from chaos to order. Other than this, the bed should be strong – it will probably be used as a camp, trampoline, bus or to encourage reading in relaxed atmosphere. Blinds or curtains should be light proof, and attached securely to the walls; the walls should be decorated in a washable finish, as those wide, blank expanse can often prove irresistible; and the floors should be covered, if at all, with washable rugs. If pleasure and nostalgia – and what could be more rewarding than that?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oil and Water Part 2

Be grateful that you don't live in Australia. Regardless of what you believe about climate change, and the Aussies are as divided on the subject as anyone else, the country is in the grip of a 1,000 year drought and facing stark choices. While old-timers talk about past droughts being worse, the reality is that it is different this time. This article from The Observer talks about the drought

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Working Bedroom

By Dody Haris

Solutions such as hiding the bed come to the fore when the bedroom is also to be used as a work or study space – as in increasingly often the case today. If you intend to utilize your bedroom for work as well as for leasure, it is important to note precisely the use you intend to make of it, and the equipment and tools you will want to keep there. Will the secondary life of your bedroom be practical – for activities such as ironing, dressmaking or sewing? Or will it be a place for office work, involving tiles, papers, computers and other technical equipment? Whatever its secondary use (and remember, it is secondary), do not forget that it must be possible easily to hide from sleeping view the physical remnants of the day’s work. It is not helpful to see around you, last thing at night and first thing in the morning, invasive reminders of a less relaxing life, so work out a comprehensive storage scheme before you start planning – whether highly organized, made – to measure variety or more improvised option of a floor length cloth draved over a table.

This is of course is another area in which the mezzanine, raised platform, or galley can come into its own. Constructed to hold the bed in spacious comfort, a mezzanine platform provides an area beneath it in which another domestic life – of whatever description – can take place. The whole space can, and probably should, be decorated in a way that clearly defines the different between the activities of night and day.

Friday, August 3, 2007

She Made Me Say This

I truly don't like to take up other bloggers' space with really long comments. At moments like that I just have to come here and lay it out.Paradise's latest acknowledges the writing here at The Living Room, and professes a lot of excitement for the positive things that can be done. As we all know, she is an unabashed Moore supporter and it shows. My comment, suggesting that Moore take the

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Cheap Shot

I just caught up with Westgard's broadside on the Rogers Park Garden Group (RPGG). It was a cheap shot, period.It makes not a bit of difference to me what the political leanings are of the RPGG. They should be congratulated for taking the lead to effect some positive, community building activity. Pam's comments make it clear RPGG is trying to build and maintain bridges, not walls. I think

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Can I Make It Any Plainer?

At the VOTER49 party I talked briefly with Don about my concern that no one in the Chicago political elite has stepped forward to do a risk analysis. We chatted a bit as to why that was, and then he suggested we could, if we put the nation's resources to work on it, solve this problem in 5 Don. We won't.Let's start with the Hirsch Report of 2005, which makes it plain that

Saturday, July 28, 2007

OK -- I'm In

I went to the V.O.T.E.R 49 bash at Michael Harrington's place this afternoon. While the turnout was not overwhelming, it is a committed group of people. I met Michael in person, as well as his partner. Spoke with Don and his wife, Eva, Eileen Foxman and her husband, Toni (who was Pretty in Pink), Carla, and others whose names escape me. Chef Didier Durand showed up with wonderful French bread

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Travel Follies

Nothing like going into the office on a Friday and finding out you need to be somewhere on a Monday! So I am back from DC and the travel regime is finally firing up. I am back in the travel saddle and August in DC is not necessarily my idea of a good time. On the bright side, looks like I'll be keeping my frequent flyer status up to date after all.Comment moderation turned off so as not to

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tips and Suggestions on Planning Your Living Room

By Lester Fong

More than any other room, there are no fixed rules when it comes to designing the living room. A living room includes a bit of everything. It’s where you relax, watch television and socialize, so it can take on any shape depending on what you choose to focus on. Here’re some tips and suggestions on planning your living room.

After deciding on your objectives for the living room, plan the crucial features that you want to work your design around. For example, if the television set is the focus, its size and shape will also determine the design of the room. A regular set may require just a console, while a plasma set may need a false wall to hide the cables. Seating in the room will also revolve around the television. By keeping the focal points in mind, the other furnishings will fall into place more easily.
Layout is an important part of planning the living room. Work out the placement of the furnishings by observing how the traffic will flow, and work with the space accordingly.
Plan special features such as a water fountain or feature wall in areas of heavy traffic for maximum impact, but move the chill-out areas to quieter parts of the room.

Storage is another essential factor in the home. Unless you’re blessed with huge storeroom or have few possessions, you’ll need to work cabinets and other nifty clutter-busters into your living room too.

Hiring a carpenter is the most popular option. Chic design-integrated, built-in cupboards are the storage area of choice these days. The big bonus is that they are perfect for dead space in awkward or irregular corners
of the room. If built-in cupboards are too permanent for your liking, there are also modular options from furniture retailers that you can mix, match and change around whenever you like.

One tip when planning the living room for a big family, is to focus on storage, so something for everyone will be available when needed. This might mean a row of floor-to-ceiling cabinets with built-in niche, and a custom-built coffee table with hidden storage panels to help display as well as keep away the family’s belongings.

For a retro-themed living room of a young couple, the sofa set can be made redundant with padded half-walls and building booth seats for the dining area. Framed vintage fabric panels wrap up the theme, and add interest to the plain walls.
Lester Fong
Article Source:

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crime and Cops

Second City Cop has a post about this survey. Seems like a good opportunity to weigh in on the issue of crime, even if the survey is flawed.Those of us at the most recent 2422 CAPS meeting will recall the comments about the 911 calls and how they are worked. I recognized what was being said since I work with a service desk that dispatches calls for technology problems. SCC offers up this take

Doing the Math

Toni has broken out the calculator in regards to the infamous Pink Postcard Affair from the election. D-2s are a wonderful tool and Toni points out the postage expenditures that occur immediately prior to the April 12 and April 13 stamping of the postcards:But if we take the total spent $798+$360/.24 we get a total number of postage allowed at 4963 postcards of which more than 600 were

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Looking to the future

Always in motion is the future: YodaAn interesting take on the future, courtesy (again) of Toni. And some more cogent points:49th Ward (Rogers Park): When a well known, outspoken, supposedly "independent" 16-year alderman squeaks to victory by 247 votes, getting just 50.9 percent of the votes cast, it's hospice time. The condition is terminal, so bring on the morphine and plan the funeral.Joe

Political Winds

Following Toni's lead I came across this. The most important comment, IMHO is this:49th Ward (Rogers Park): These words describe David Fagus: Irrelevant, obscure and politically impotent. As the ward's Democratic committeeman, he can take about 1 percent of the credit for re-electing Alderman Joe Moore.In the highly transient ward, Moore, who has been an alderman since 1991, won in April by just

Friday, July 20, 2007

An Assessment of the NPC Report

Gail Tverberg offers up her assessment of an American Petroleum Institute (API) sponsored conference call (PDF Warning) that discussed the NPC report. Gail strikes me as a reasonable, and very analytical, person who doesn't jump to conclusions. This analysis does not disappoint.

Gordon's Suit Dismissed

I was at Toni's blog and found this. Westgard has already weighed in on it. I am sorry that Don lost because that means events like like this will never get fully aired and assessed.I don't trust Joe Moore. I simply do not trust any politician who stoops to blatant cheating to win. That report is evidence of blatant cheating and evidently he will not be called out on it. He'll do it again

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's Going to Get Ugly

You all know by now that the subject of Peak Oil can get me wound up tighter than a tick on a hound dog's ear. These past two-three weeks have really been eye-poppers.Reader's Digest Condensed Version1. 6/28/07 - We now have the full translated interview from Le Monde of Fatih Birol, the economist from the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris. He speaks to supply problems in the near

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What Have We Here?

I am not sure if this kid is as foolish as he writes. If he is, then he has a come-uppance headed his way. It's just a matter of time. Spell his blog name the 'normal' way and you come up with Satan Lucifer, which leads me to wonder if this is middle-class skinhead wannabe. All the mouth without the tats. Or maybe he has them but hidden under his shirt.

Things To Consider For A Functional Living Room Design

By Shrinivas Vaidya

Amazingly most people starting out have no idea how they would like their living room design to turn out. In fact, most people buy a home on the looks of the kitchen, and the bathroom according to popular consensus. So what does this say about living room design? It says that people are not thinking about it enough, and thus find themselves without a viable living room decorating plan at move in time.

When planning for a living room design treatment, think of the entire family's needs. If you are single, it would be an easy thing to do to think of your needs, however, most homeowners have some type of family, or roommate situation to consider. Thus, it is first necessary to look at their needs, before designing your idea of a perfect living room.
Questions to consider when developing a plan for your family living room design include use, space, and location.

Some living room design elements are basic due to the lack of use of the room. We've all seen those living room design elements with one sofa, covered in plastic that almost never gets touched. If this is your proposed use for the room, keep the design basic, and costs low. If, however, you are truly going to live, in the living room, it is important to look at the space itself before doing a final living room design.

Space can be defined as the parameters of the room in terms of length, width, and height. Most living rooms are large, sometimes the largest in the house. Therefore plan accordingly for the size of the living room when doing your living room design.
Location is another important element to think about when doing a living room design. If the room is located between two bedrooms, this might be reason not to install the surround sound that your child wants. Or if the room is located near the backyard, it may not make sense to install white carpet. Whatever the case, think carefully about the location of the living room, before performing a living room design plan.

Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya

Shrinivas Vaidya is the webmaster of Visit today to get more free living room design tips to decorate a beautiful and charming living room of your wildest dreams.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bite Me!

Ok, I'll give Vick the benefit of the doubt, until we see where the legal system takes this one. At the very least he is a gullible idiot, but I have a hard time believing that he was clueless in Virginia about the dogs on his property. We'll see how quick he settles up on this.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Cost of 80 Jobs

British Petroleum (BP) runs a refinery in Indiana, and just won state approval to dump more contaminated sludge as well as ammonia into Lake Michigan. Out of this largesse, Indiana can say that BP is creating 80 jobs and helping make our oil supplies more secure.In response to public protests, state officials justified the additional pollution by concluding the project will create more jobs and

Cars Before People?

Toni asks some very pointed questions of The Powers That Be (TPTB) regarding the proposal to turn the site of the North Shore School into a parking lot. With all the moaning about gentrification (and Bastille Day at Taste surely was a reminder that it is occurring) one would think an effort would be made to focus on housing for those who can't afford market rates.On top of that, Tom Mannis

What's Up With DevCorp North?

DevCorp waits until the day before the event to promote the Bastille Day party over at Taste. Check the posting date, I am not making this up! I'm sorry but even I, a person of limited marketing skills, understands the value of getting your message out early and often. THE DAY BEFORE?! Come on! DevCorp was the sole beneficiary of the take at the door at $20/person. This is the best they can

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Is Trilby For Real?

TOD posted a link to an interview with Trilby Lundberg. What has got the Drummers collective panties in a bunch is the very last question, pointed out by Professor Goose, regarding conservation, supply and American demand for oil.I have to ask: what planet is this lady living on?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A New Wind in the Catholic Church

I remember Vatican II and the excitement surrounding what seemed to be a sea change in the Catholic Church. The Church hierarchy appeared to be charting a new course towards community with the faithful, rather than standing separate and apart as ordained intercessories. However, Benedict XVI appears to have turned back the clock. Sister Joan comments on the reinstatement of the Tridentine Rite

Bastille Day @ Taste

I must be the only one who has noticed, or the only one who is talking about it. I was at Gruppo di Amici over the weekend and saw signs in the window at Taste advertising a Bastille Day event on Saturday, July 14, from 5-9:00 PM, including live gypsy music starting at 7. Cost is $20.00. Call 773-761-3663.What is really interesting to me is that this is being done in partnership with DevCorp

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Staying the course

Paradise asks about Staying the Course. Here's this woman's view:LISTEN TO THE IRAQIS!!!A podcast by National Catholic Reporter with an Iraqi Dominican nun who has a very relevant viewpoint. In addition, Sister Joan Chittister reports on the Women's Global Peace Initiative conference with Iraqi women.Stay the course? In the view of these women, maybe we should, assuming we can figure out what

Cheap Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

The word cheap is a rather subjective word, because living room furniture that seems cheap to one person may be considered expensive to another. On the whole, the main reason one opts for cheap living room furniture is because one is on a tight budget, and cannot spend too much on living room furniture.

When buying cheap living room furniture, it will usually be secondhand furniture. It will be the furniture one person is selling to buy new living room furniture. So logically, the best place to look for cheap living room furniture will be secondhand shops. It is college students and the first-time buyers who usually buy cheap living room furniture for their home, to make their living room comfortable.

Another good place to look for cheap living room furniture is in consignment shops. This is the place where private owners sell their used furniture. These shops have become more and more popular, with the increase in the demand for cheap living room furniture. The inventory here will be unique, with only single pieces of furniture being sold, so there is no chance of someone else buying the same piece. It is always better to get to know the manager of a consignment shop, as he will then tell you when the sort of cheap living furniture that you are looking for comes in. Sometimes the cheap living room furniture may not look good or attractive at first. However, a little refurbishing will make it look more appealing. There are also some people who enjoy painting old furniture. After painting, this cheap living room furniture then becomes attractive and beautiful, to brighten up the living room.

Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Chavez vs Big Oil

Another interesting post by Robert Rapier regarding the nationalization of the oil industry in Venezuela. He's expecting a tit-for-tat battle since Citgo is owned by Venezuela's national oil company and has refineries here in the US. Chavez may have outsmarted himself.

How Hot is Your Gas?

Not as hot as you might think. Robert Rapier comments on a lawsuit over 'hot' gas. Some folks think the retailers are ripping them off at the pumps. Robert explains why that is unlikely to be true, and what the real impact is if it is in fact true.

Blogging and You

Jocelyn is working up an article about blogging and is looking for your insights. We do a lot of blogging in RP, why?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Morning After The Night Before

Early yesterday afternoon I was strolling along the beach, taking in the sights and sounds of families enjoying the holiday. There were all manner of sun shades, ranging from a simple tarp tied to tree limbs, to rather extravagant looking tents. One enterprising soul commandeered two trees for hammock duty. Children were playing in the sand, there was a multi-ethnic/racial soccer game going on

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

One Man's View

I was appalled by the commutation of Libby's sentence. I am not alone.

Another Development?

Although not in the 49th. The property leased by Dominick's down on Broadway may be up for sale and redevelopment. The future status of the Dominick's is not certain.

Living Room Furniture

By Eddie Tobey

The furniture that you place in the living room reflects your style and taste. Living room furniture consists of sofas, coffee and side tables, display cabinets, dressers, futon chairs and beds, and bean bags and bean chairs. It is always better to plan and set your budget when decorating your living room, as you may otherwise go overboard in expenses.
The furniture you place in the living room depends on the size of the living room. It is only when you have the exact measurement of the room that you can decide what size of sofa and other living-room furniture is best suitable for your living room. If you have enough space in the corner to keep a corner sofa, you might as well keep one there. However, if there is little space, a normal sofa accompanied by decorative stands and plants enhances the beauty of the living room.

When buying living room furniture, make sure that the color of the walls match the color of the furniture or at least have matching shades with the furniture. Check for a warranty on the furniture, especially expensive teakwood tables and leather sofas. To get the best rate, it is always better to check out a clearance sale. Lighting is another important point of enhancing the look of your living room furniture. The living room has to have proper lighting to give a soothing feeling.

Placing decorative plants and stands in corners enhances not only the living room, but also its furniture. Cleaning the living room furniture is very important to present a lively look to the furniture. So it is better to vacuum the sofas, carpets and curtains at least once a month. To enhance the look of the living room, you could also place matching paintings on the wall.
Living Room Furniture provides detailed information on Living Room Furniture, Cheap Living Room Furniture, Discount Living Room Furniture, Contemporary Living Room Furniture and more. Living Room Furniture is affiliated with Upholstered Ottomans.

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Sunday, July 1, 2007

And we have a winner!

I barely get this post up and rattln along shows up with the correct answer. Who knew I was read in Texas! But that's a long ways to go for a drink pardner. You will have to wait until I get there. Live near Dallas? I'll be there in September. Our local, I think, winner is Sofi who will need to contact me if I am going to make good on my challenge. kheris at kheris dot net.For the rest of

Theatrics Part Deux

Went to Stage Left Theater for Leapfest and have a report on the 3 staged readings I saw. The readings come from Stage Left's program to develop playwrights and their plays. Whether or not they will actually be produced is another question altogether.Day of Knowledge - David Alan Moore.Based on the Chechen attack on the Russian grammar school, this play is about the grief and pain from horrific


That's what the man said. Mimosas!!!!!!!! Coming to Gruppo di Amici in August, we hope. Oh and why mimosas? Seems that Sunday Brunch is on the menu, the specifics are being worked out as to what will be served. However Jimmy sees mimosas in my future. Pays to get to know the guy behind the bar.Mimosas on Sunday, a delightfully decadent way to enjoy the day.