Saturday, November 17, 2007

Make Room for a Mudroom

By : The House Team Of Mortgage Intellingence

Now that our thoughts are turning again to outdoor living, it's agreat time to think about making room this year for what may beone of the most practical places in the house: the mudroom.
Never mind that we may associate mudrooms with images of country houses, English wellies and walking sticks - the premise is the same in our modern lives. Every home must find a way to manage that transition that its inhabitants make between life outdoors and life inside. A mudroom is perfectly practical - and can also be perfectly pleasing.

The Struggle For Order
It's funny how the whole house can be thrown into chaos by all those indoor/outdoor transition problems. Where to put backpacks, skis, muddy boots, litter box, dog leash, wet mittens, bicycle helmets, sunscreen, rain slickers and wild bird seed? The mudroom is the perfect answer - and it can be either grand or modest in scale.

Find Some Space, Or Make Some
You may be able to design a mudroom using space you already have: in a front or back porch, in an underused main floor laundry room, in an attached garage, or perhaps in a back hall. If you can't find the necessary square footage for this marvelous utility room, it's a great time to think seriously about making a mudroom part of a home addition; there's never been a better time to finance that kind of project.

Not only is it an energy saving airlock, but also -- penny for penny, inch for inch -- it's space that will add ease and comfort to your daily routine.
Think High-School Locker And Go Vertical
Each family member gets his or her own space fitted with hooks (for outerwear, caps, backpacks, skates), shelves (for sweaters and sweatshirts),and baskets (for mittens, sunglasses, gloves, sunscreen, keys, etc.) Put pegs at different levels for various ages of family members.

A Place For Everything
This should be one of the best-organized spaces in your home. Think about how you will use the room. Consider, for example, finding an antique pine dry sink: a perfect solution for storing unwieldy items like bags of dog food, home canning paraphernalia, or potting soil - and a great place to set the groceries as you come in the door.

How about a big ceramic bowl to hold the day's mail? Crowded for space in the kitchen? Think about a pantry cupboard to store extra canned, bottled, and dry goods. And keep a first-aid kit in an old-fashioned black lunchbox - for backyard emergencies.

Take A Load Off
Every mudroom needs a bench (preferably built in with a hinged lid) in which you can store helmets, towels, garden hats... and it's such a pleasure to be able to sit when you are getting in or out of shoes and boots.

Bead Board Paneling
Either painted or natural bead board paneling is the perfect wall treatment. Nothing too precious in this room -- just easy to maintain surfaces that can take rough and tumble treatment.
Floors should be stone, tile, or vinyl. Be sure to use an absorbentwashable mat too, and a bristle mat at the very entrance is necessary for maximum mud removal.

Plumb The Mudroom And Install A Big Sink
This is truly a luxury, but how great would it be to have a dedicated sink for houseplant potting, washing up from gardening, or rinsing off a muddy child or pet before entering the rest of the house? A French farmhouse sink would be fabulous...but a stainless steel basin works too!
Make it command central

Why not put up a blackboard, and a cork bulletin board for daily messages and reminders? Have you noticed lately that many of the best show homes and design magazines are sporting handsome, organized mudrooms?
No secret behind this growing trend; smart designers have simplycaught up with the reality of our indoor/outdoor lifestyles! This spring, make room for your own mudroom!

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