Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Palin Effigy

Unnecessary, not funny, not satirical (SNL knows satire), just plain disgusting. Those folks have to be brain dead in some way. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when I heard about this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Flowers for whom are chosen

By: D. Harris

If you hear the successful of florist, better find the real florists experience. The flower industries nowadays expand more rapidly. With many design of flower, we can choose any of interest. They produce fresh and high quality floral arrangements. They are an online flower delivery website from Australia.

Thinking about Australia, I remember Sydney flowers. This company provides design of flower set for anniversary, birthday, congratulations, wedding and many more. Or you can shop by its arrangement like, flowers on baskets, bouquets, boxed, posies, vases or hampers.

If you are a young couple with cute little boy or little girls that visit flowers Sydney, do not forget to look at the New Baby Occasion. There are Baby Boy and Baby Girl Flowers. Blue is for boys and Pink is for girls. Very cool isn't it? Or you can choose any other design color. Using flowers for a gift is really shows us how chosen they are.

Expand the Business with EZUnsecured

By: D. Harris

To build a business requires lots of money, besides ideas and knowledge off course. can help you to grow your business. Every entrepreneur can obtain the capital needs to succeed. They have Experts in Unsecured Business Financing.

One of my Business Buddies told me he paid over $20,000 for $315,000 in financing that he obtained with for his Import/Export Company. That's a hell of a lot of money but, he says it was worth it because they know what they are doing

You can Trust EZUnsecured. They know what they are doing. The people there are very experienced and they take their work very seriously. Visit today, and expand your business.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Implosion Pending?

I noticed that Palin has been described as a "Diva" by unnamed McCain insiders and there is a concern that she is not staying consistently on message. Is the campaign imploding under stress?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


It's about 10 days to the election. Lots of energy all around. Obama appears to be leading, even if by inches. Bottom line, don't count McCain out until the last vote is cast.

The Endorsements Keep Coming

The New York Times and Chicago Tribune endorsed Obama. The first was expected, the second...not so much. Now here comes The Anchorage Daily News to say they are endorsing Obama. The endorsement speaks for itself. Governor Palin may have a long and fruitful career ahead of her, but in the view of her hometown newspaper, now is not the time for the ticket she is on, let alone for her.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Child Labor?

First the Governor of Alaska is held accountable for abuse of power in "Troopergate"a, even as she declares she broke no laws or ethics rules. On the contrary, finding 1 specifically refers to the violation of ethics. Ms. Palin needs to remember that what is legal is not necessarily moral, as the descendants of African slaves will attest. However, it appears her willingness to stretch the

Monday, October 20, 2008

Petrobras in Trouble

Petrobras, Brazil's national oil company, has been a fairly bright star in the oil business. They have reported substantial deepwater oil reserves. This is supposed to be high quality light crude, but it is not going to come cheap and easy. And now, the credit crunch may put it out of reach for a time. Let this be a warning to the cornucopians out there who think we can "Party On Dude!" as

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tax Matters

Regarding Obama's claim about his tax plan for individuals, here is some information from the IRS' Statistics of Income (SOI) staff. Keep in mind as you read that SOI doesn't have a horse in this race, they just report what the numbers are. Your interpretation may vary.If you look at this spreadsheet (Excel needed) you will see how the taxes were distributed for 2005, the latest year that SOI

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day is Done

Time for bed.The DOW tanked 700+ points because "Toto we aren't in Kansas anymore." I thought it would happen, and I am sorry it did, but there it is.The debates are over. Over at MySpace is a site devoted to the debates and featuring true believers of every stripe.My tally - the first 2 for Obama, but not by a whole lot. This one, in my most humble opinion, was a tie. McCain came out

Redecorating Your Living Room and Dining Room

By : Jane Worthington

I decided that after 10 years my home needed some redecorating. Out with the old, in with the new! I couldn't bear to look at my old battered dining room table or living room furniture one more day, so I knew it was time go shopping. I've always felt that my home is my castle, and I want my home furnishings to reflect that and make me feel at ease. I knew I didn't have a large budget for this home furniture overhaul, but I've always been able to find discount living room furniture and every other kind of furnishing, so I hoped to be able to complete my mission without going over budget.

First things first, time to tackle the living room! My family spends a lot of time in this room, so I wanted to do this room first. I found some great new sofas to put in there, and then coordinating lamps and lighting to accent the new couches. It seemed that something was missing, and I immediately saw that what I needed to really pull the room together were living room tables. Eureka! I couldn't find anything I liked in my usual suspect furniture stores, so like any savvy shopper I decided to look at online retailers to see if they had anything that would work. I mean, furniture stores can't always put their entire stock on their showroom floor, because there simply isn't room to display it all. So my search online was fruitful, and I found the perfect set of living room tables to match my new furniture, and once I added these, the room really looked complete.

The next room that needed the redecoration fairy was my dining room. The poor table and chairs had seen better days, and I knew they needed to be replaced. So I went around the neighborhood furniture stores to look at dining room tables and luckily found a very nice set on clearance. The set was made of maple wood, and had a very warm and traditional style that made my dining room look elegant yet homey. I couldn't afford to replace the buffet hutch at the same time, but my new dining room set did match the hutch well enough that I could get away with it, even though I didn't buy them together. My family was so happy when they gathered around the new dining room table for the first time, and we enjoy the new set every night when we have dinner.

Now that I have completely overhauled the living room furniture and dining room furniture, I may start my next home decorating project and go for the kitchen and bathrooms. But first, let me relax for a moment on my wonderful new sofa...

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of Bailouts and Rescues

I guess I have been clear regarding the bailout, or rescue, or whatever it is. I don't like it.And it ain't over folks. Congress is seriously looking at changes to the 401K system, which is becoming the foundation for many folks' retirement.I don't think the government needs to own parts of the banking system and with preferred shares no less I see. Nationalization, pure and simple. And we

The Rally Fizzles

Well today is the morning after the night before. We'll have to keep watching and waiting.In the meantime, from The Oil Drum an essay on just what sort of economy we have now, and what sort we may need to have to sort this out.

Waste Fraud and Abuse

Apparently the Minerals Management Service is full of it, or so it is alleged. The MMS office in Denver got busted for hinky shenanigans involving office personnel and oil company personnel. I hope Congress remembers that the IRS is not the only agency responsible for managing government revenue, or responsible for maintaining high standards of behavior. But then, no one loves the taxman, and

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Rally Under Way

As I write this, I have read that the DOW has jumped 500 points. That's the good news. It seems that the markets are calming down and the panic has eased. The bad news? We really don't know if there is bad news in the offing, we'll have to see how the week goes. However, I hear rumbles of concern that we are going to be seeing hyperinflation within the year. That would be very bad news

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is this the slippery slope?

From The Oil Drum comes a link to The Automatic Earth and their take on current financial events. This is the same pair who gave us this assessment a year or so ago. I want their crystal ball.The price of oil continues to fall. Looks great at the pump, but will the oil companies step up the pace on drilling in all those more exotic, and costly, locales? If the majors require support to do it,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Palin - The Energy Expert

I saw Palin's debate with Biden and she touted herself as an energy expert. HA! Wonder what she read that led to that conclusion.

From The Oil Drum (Again)

The Drummers are up to speed on the past debates and the question of lifting the ban on OCS drilling. Professor Cleveland offers his POV.Buddy can you spare $600 BILLION! That's what it will take over 30 years (thats 20B/yr) for Brazil to get the oil out, assuming they can get it out. Oil wealth is a wonderful thing, but be careful what you wish for.Tom Whipple's article about the similarity

Stop IT!

To The Presidential Candidates -Enough with the tit-for-tat campaigning about who is more righteous and has cleaner, more upright friends. ENOUGH!This country's economy is on the ropes with a banking system that fears to let go of its cash, and investors running for the hills. The DOW went below 9,000, which is not a good thing and the NASDAQ is anemic too.At the end of the day, Americans want

Welcome Morse Theater


Sunday, October 5, 2008


The New York Times has reviewed the controversial movie Hounddog. The movie was released on September 19 in a limited run. I have no idea if it is still being shown.The film's controversy stems from its content, which involves a 9 year old girl (played by a 12 year old Dakota Fanning) and her family and friends. Depending on who you read, this movie either supports pedophilia, or it's a coming

FedSmith's Take on the Bailout

Over at FedSmith there is a brief analysis of the bailout bill that was passed. It's still awful.By the way, my web wanderings have led me to several commentators suggesting bank holiday and bank runs coming to a branch near you in the next week or so. All rumor as far as I can tell. I do know that my IRA (a rather puny creature) took a 15% hit and its current value is now below what I

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Choosing the Right Living Room Furniture

By : Jim Allen

The main furniture components that make up your living room are sofas and chairs, coffee tables, end tables and console tables. A good combination of these pieces should leave you with a well put together living room that is both livable and aesthetically pleasing. Overdo it and pick pieces of furniture that are too large for your room or try to cram too many pieces into your space, and you’ll quickly ruin your living room. Below, I’ll go piece-by-piece and give you a few tips to picking the right furniture for your living room.

Seating is the most important aspect to most living rooms. A sofa or couch is probably the most expensive and most used piece of furniture you’ll purchase, so it’s wise to plan ahead and choose a sofa that fits the size of your living room and pick a color or pattern that will work with a variety of tones and hues. The biggest mistake often made here isn’t with colors, however, it’s with sizes and sometimes shapes. You can only do so much with the space your living room provides. If you can’t fit a big sectional comfortably, then it’s probably better to go with a smaller sofa and see if a chair or two will fit more comfortably. Remember, you’re going to want room for end tables and a decent sized coffee table, so stuffing all the seating you can into your living room isn’t the way to go.

While the sofa is probably the most important part of your living room, the coffee table usually remains the centerpiece and focal point of it. For one, the coffee table is normally situated towards the center of the room, and of course, once you’re seated, the coffee table becomes the main piece of furniture in your line of sight (no, the TV doesn’t count as a piece of furniture). Choosing the right coffee table is about both size and material. Most coffee tables are rectangular in shape, and this works for most rooms, but if an oval, circle, or square table would work better for you, they’re out there, but may be harder to find. There are a variety of woods and finishes available, and even glass remains a popular option. The things to look at here are what other wood finishes you have in the room and if the room gets a lot of natural light or not. If you have a lot of furniture with dark finishes, you might want to stick with a similar finish for your coffee table, should you choose wood.

Article Source:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Get Ready..Here It Comes!!

Hard to believe it's October already and the election only a month off. If you are interested in participating as a poll watcher, check the latest at the Rogers Park Voter blog.As this past week has shown...YOU'VE GOT THE POWER!! VOTE!!